College of Education Faculty Meeting April 19, 2013
Agenda MEETING OF THE FACULTY OF THE COLLEGE OF EDUCATION April 19, 2013, 9:00 – 10:30 a.m., LWSN Welcome – M. Santos de Barona 2.Approval of the Minutes of the January 18, 2013 Faculty Meeting* – M. Santos de Barona 3.Introduction of New Faculty and Staff 4.Dean’s Office Report to the Faculty 5.Reports of Standing Committees* 6.New Business* 7.Adjournment * Action Items
Approval of Minutes Faculty Meeting Minutes January 18, 2013
Introductions Meet Our New Colleagues Academic Services
Introductions Meet Our New Colleagues Judy Hanks Academic Services Office Coordinator Academic Services Office Coordinator Degrees Held/Universities Attended Purdue University – English Education Recent Professional Experience Has worked at Purdue for 30 years 9 years at Ray W. Herrick labs, part of Mechanical Engineering Takes every opportunity to learn through HR offered courses. Hobbies/Interests Spending time with family including, her husband, her two daughters and six grandchildren. She also enjoys reading, knitting, growing orchids and watching TV.
Introductions Meet Our New Colleagues Dean’s Area
Introductions Meet Our New Colleagues Amanda Clark Dean’s Area Secretary to the Associate Deans Dean’s Area Secretary to the Associate Deans Degrees Held/Universities Attended Purdue University – Bachelors in English and Secondary Education with a minor in Professional Reading. Recent Professional Experience Marketing Director – Allegiance WMG Hobbies/Interests Cooking, baking, photography, art, singing, running, athletic training, health and wellness, reading, traveling and walking her dog Ruby.
Dean’s Office Report Maryann Santos de Barona Dean
REPA II SB 409 Meeting with Superintendent Glenda Ritz State Report
Honorary Doctorate Recipient Vice Admiral Gerald Hoewing University Report
Student Responder Sharon Smith Elementary Education and Spanish Concentration in Reading University Report
Dean’s Office Report Emily Bouck Dean’s Fellow Proposal: Mentoring
Sought to explore a formal COE pre-tenure mentoring program or procedures – Two functions for mentoring: career-enhancing and psychosocial (Kram, 1985) – 3 types: traditional, peer, and group (Bland et al., 2009) Read the research, spoke with university and college administrators, as well as interviewed faculty within the COE (thank you)
Mentoring Research literature: value to mentoring (increased productivity and satisfaction) University exploration: no university policy – Some colleges/departments have formal policies/procedures COACHE survey
Mentoring Data collected – Pre-tenure faculty Reported no formal mentoring programs, but some were receiving informal mentoring Majority willing to participate in holistic mentoring programs with preference for two-mentees to one-or- two mentors – Tenured faculty Reported no formal mentoring, but informal occurred Willing to serve as a mentor, but felt needed institutionalization
Mentoring – Recommendations Low-hanging fruit – Associate Professors Offer brown bag or open forum discussions on pathways to promotion to full professor Create a space for peer-to-peer mentoring – Assistant Professors Resource network Create culture within college that encourages and supports tenured faculty to actively collaborate and involve pre-tenure faculty on grants Arrange opportunities for across-department peer-to- peer mentoring
Mentoring – Recommendations More resource intensive – 2 options Mentoring committee – identify collection of faculty who will excel at mentoring junior faculty, provide training, and assign at least one to work with at least one new faculty (holistic mentoring) Mentoring mentality – pre-tenure faculty – working with department head – select two tenured faculty from within the College to serve as their mentoring committee
Dean’s Office Report Sidney Moon Associate Dean for Learning and Engagement
ADLE Goals Academic Services Provide leadership for the Academic Services Dept. (Strategic Plan Goals 2, 3, 4, 5) Coordinate the remodeling of Academic Services Support Academic Services staff in creating new efficiencies Design undergrad recruitment and marketing plans for teacher education and the COE Completed In Progress
ADLE Goals Teacher Education Strengthen Teacher Education Programs (Strategic Plan Goals 2, 3, 4, 5) Facilitate core curriculum and 120 credit justifications Improve ability of candidates to assess learning and adjust instruction Encourage the development of entrepreneurial professional programs Complete the redesign of advanced professional education programs Streamline the TE Unit Assessment System (UAS) and align it with new national, state, and University standards Completed In Progress
ADLE Goals Teacher Education RECOGNIZED/APPROVED Art Education ▪ Early Childhood and Exceptional Needs▪ Educational Leadership (Bldg. Level) ▪ Educational Leadership (District Level) ▪ Elementary Education ▪ Engineering Technology Education ▪ English Education ▪ English Language Learning ▪ Family and Consumer Sciences ▪ Health Education ▪ High Ability ▪ Mathematics Education ▪ Physical Education ▪ School Counseling ▪ Speech, Language, & Hearing Sciences (Communication Disorders) ▪ Transition to Teaching (Elementary and Secondary) RECOGNIZED WITH CONDITIONS Agriculture Education ▪ Career & Technical Education (District level) ▪ Elementary Education and Exceptional Needs ▪ Exceptional Needs (graduate level) ▪ Science Education (Biology, Chemistry, Earth/Space Sciences & Physics) ▪ Social Studies Education Teacher Education Program Status
ADLE Goals Undergraduate Programs Strengthen undergraduate programs (Strategic Plan Goals 2, 3, 4, 5) Create a COE Honors Program Complete the new Learning Sciences Major Grow summer opportunities Recruit talented and diverse undergraduates to the COE Design differential learning and social experiences for first year students New Completed In Progress On Hold
ADLE Goals Partnerships Build partnerships (Strategic Plan Goals 1, 2, 3, 4) With local school districts, create a co- teaching model for elementary student teaching (Task Force chairs: Phil VanFossen & Janet Tipton) Continue to fund Synergy Grants Develop clinically-based models for teacher education Fine tune the P-12 Portal Completed In Progress
ADLE Goals Inclusiveness Model inclusiveness (Strategic Plan Goals 1, 2, 3, 4) Study Abroad Programs SAIL grants Consistent business model International student teaching certificate Recruit, support, and retain a diverse student population Encourage research on closing the P-12 achievement gap In Progress
Discovery and Faculty Development Jim Lehman
External Funding Activity We’ve had 50 grant proposals submitted so far this year. That’s a strong record of activity (but due in part to internal competitions). Unfortunately, actual awards for the year are only at $1.7m, which puts us well short of the $3m level we’ve hit for several consecutive years. Across campus, declines are up somewhat this year due to the budget situation in Washington. 26 SPS Sponsored Program Data for COE
Internal Competitions Non-Laboratory Research Infrastructure and Equipment Grants Faculty members in the College of Education submitted a number of successful proposals in this competition earlier this year. The announcement for next year’s competition will be forthcoming shortly. The deadline for submission will be early in the fall semester. If you have needs for specific research tools (e.g., specialized software or equipment), please submit a proposal. Incentive Grants We had one successful Category II proposal in this year’s competition. Congratulations to Helen Patrick and Youli Mantzicopoulos! Category I proposals (multidisciplinary) have finally been categorized and will be undergoing review shortly. There are about 10 proposals related to education research in the pool. COE Interdisciplinary Seed Grants The call for COE Interdisciplinary Seed Grants has just come out. The deadline is May
Funding-Related Announcements NSF Info NSF has transitioned from Fastlane to A CAREER workshop is scheduled for May 2. Sign up at OVPR website. Sequestration Sequestration info is available on the OVPR homepage. OVPR Bridge Program New program will provide short-term funding to researchers who have had consistent funding but experience a temporary shortfall. College and department cost-sharing is required. F&A Policy Purdue’s F&A return policy has been reviewed and changes are being proposed that include a modified formula for calculating distributions and a plan to return 25% of the allocation for each account to the investigator (if that amount is greater than $500). 28
ADDFD Initiatives Faculty Development Several grant-related workshops were offered this year, and the final one (on setting up a PIVOT profile) is today. It’s too late to get lunch, but feel free to drop in even if you didn’t sign up. We’ll continue these next year. Remember to see Jim Gardner for help with grant applications. Several faculty mentoring sessions were offered this year. Look for these to continue next year as well. Faculty Interest Groups A group focus on diversity and social justice has been meeting with a goal to develop some ideas for a college-level initiative. A group has also met with an interest in online learning and has suggested some initiatives for college-level support. New Collaborative Space (old Graduate Office) BRNG 6104 will be remodeled into a technology-enabled collaboration space over the summer. Plan to use it in the fall! 29
Graduate Education Survey of Graduate Student Life General satisfaction with university/college resources, except for office or personal work space. General satisfaction with most elements of campus/college climate, though students do experience many stresses. General satisfaction with many elements of graduate life, but there were some exceptions including: Parking Support for conference attendance Availability of and pay for assistantships Opportunities for teaching, research, and engagement Others (work-life balance, frequency of meetings with advisor, support for non-traditional students) 30
Reports of Standing Committees Curriculum Committee James Greenan, Committee Member
Reports of Standing Committees
AWARDS COMMITTEE James Lehman Reports of Standing Committees
AWARDS COMMITTEECURRICULUM COMMITTEE EDST – Kristina PaulEDCI – Anita Roychoudhury At-Large – Mike Yough FACULTYL AFFAIRS COMMITTEEGRADE APPEALS COMMITTEE EDCI – JoAnn PhillionEDCI – Susan BritschEDST – Aman Yadav EDST – Aman YadavEDCI – Jill NewtonEDST – Emily Bouck Alternate EDCI – Tim NewbyEDST – John Hill INTERNATIONAL EDUCATION COMMITTEENOMINATIONS AND ELECTIONS COMMITTEE EDCI – Alberto RodriquezAt-Large – Youli Mantzicopoulos EDST - Marcia Gentry At-Large – Anatoli Rapoport Reports of Standing Committees SLATE OF NEW COMMITTEE MEMBERS,
New Business Approval of Candidates Sidney Moon, Associate Dean May 2013 August 2013
College of Education Awards Ceremony Congratulations to all of our honorees