TSSSA Communication Avenues Follow and receive updates about Texas Social Studies Supervisors Association TXTSSSA
To Join Twitter Go to or your phone may already have an app preloadedwww.twitter.com Create an account ( and password) Search for TXTSSSA and select “Follow” Can be set up to go through your phone –Select “Settings” from the drop down menu in the upper right –Select the “Mobile” tab and then add your phone number (standard data rates apply)
Post about the Conference From your new or current Twitter account, when you post make sure to add the hashtag - #TSSSA11 somewhere in the post then… on your mobile phone when in Twitter search for #TSSSA11 to see what others are saying about the conference. Give it a try or ask a teenage later on for help.
In the Works A forum type page on the website for members to post questions related to social stuides Would be open and self-monitored RSS feed so that notifications can be sent to when new information is posted, similar to the listserve from TEA Look for information/update in the winter newsletter
Wireless Connection Wireless Network: Ibahn_conference Open a web browser and type “ibahn” in address bar Follow on-screen instructions and enter the following codes when prompted: –Conference Code: 06B77E –Group Name: TSSSA