7 th Grade Literature Survival Guide Mrs. Carson Dunlap Middle School
About Me O 16 years of experience O Graduate of EIU O Degree in Elementary Education O Concentration in English O Masters in Educational Leadership at WIU
Expectations O Be prepared for class. O Books (Big Red or novel and workbook) O Folder or binder O Pen or pencil and RED PEN O Literature Notebook (LNb) O Note packets O Library book or book from home O Assignment notebook
Expectations, cont. O Be respectful of others. O Keep materials organized. O Give your best effort on all assignments. O Get to class on time. O Participate in discussions. O Ask for help when you need it. O Use time appropriately.
Literature Wiki O Follow rules for use of the class wiki O
Late Work O There is NO LATE WORK IN 7 th GRADE!! O You will receive one homework pass each quarter, just in case. This pass can be used to give you 1 extra school day to complete an assignment. O If you don’t use the pass by the end of the quarter, you can return it to Mrs. Carson for 5 points of extra credit added to one of your tests.
Genres/Titles for 7 th Grade O Nonfiction O Science Fiction/fantasy O A Christmas Carol O Poetry O Short stories, fiction O Oral Traditions O The Adventures of Tom Sawyer
Vocab/ Spelling Workbook O 4 pages will be assigned every Friday, starting this week. O They are due the following Friday, unless otherwise noted. Check the homework board daily for updates. O These are INDEPENDENT assignments. Unless the directions are unusual or complicated, you are expected to read them and follow them on your own. O You may ask for help when needed. O These will be work MANY points. Make sure you budget your time to get them done each week. O It is a good idea to always have the workbook with you so that you can work on the pages if we have extra time.
Book Reports O You will complete one book report each quarter. Due dates will be given on the day we check out books. O Extra credit (5 pts.) if handed in at least a week early. O Projects will be chosen from a menu. You may only use a choice once. O Books O Must be AR O You must hand in the test sheet showing a passing score with your book report. O One quarter (at least) must be nonfiction
Book Reports cont. O Grading: 100 pt. homework grade O Knowledge of text and literary terms– 20 pts. O Mechanics (grammar, punctuation, spelling)— 20 pts. O Creativity– 20 pts. O Neatness– 20 pts. O Effort– 20 pts. O AR test for the book is a 100 pt. TEST grade.
Accelerated Reader Grade O STAR test will be taken early in the year to determine your reading level. O Once your level is determined, I will assign you a point goal for the quarter. Your goal will be different from most other people. THIS IS FINE! O Read each day for 20 minutes in Panther Pride and record your pages, title, and book point value on the sheet in your file folder. O Take tests on the books during Panther Pride or Study Hall (or even at the end of my class) to earn your points. O At the end of the quarter, you will receive an AR grade based on the percentage of your goal that you reached. Extra credit may be awarded up to 10 additional points.