What is an appropriate age to get a cell phone? * How young is too young?* Jessica Scott EDUC
Pros Safety and Security (use in case of an emergency) Can be a tool to teach your child responsibility Can be a practical convenience ; for example if you need to pick your child up early or if an after school activity is running late.
Cons Expense Responsibility level (younger kids tend to lose things a lot) Internet access dangers Hidden charges Could cause disruptions in school if the child has it out and is playing with it
Position I think the age that a child gets a cell phone depends on the parent and the child. Cell phones require some maturity and a sense of responsibility, so once they are old enough to get around by themselves and be more independent, then they can have a cell phone. Around 12 or 13 seems appropriate.
Reasons Everything depends on parenting style and how fast the child matures intellectually. When a child I under the age of 10 they are never anywhere where an adult is not present or the parents can’t be called Some kids are careless with their possessions and cell phones aren’t cheap! Can your child be trusted not to text and have conversations during class?
Alternative? Firefly Mobile (The mobile phone for mobile kids!) Firefly phones feature built in controls that allow parents to restrict incoming and outgoing calls as well as limit or restrict texting at no additional cost.
References: kids---when-is-too-young.html kids---when-is-too-young.html right-age-kids-get-cell-phone right-age-kids-get-cell-phone phones phones