Joint Action for ECHIM European Community Health Indicators and Monitoring Antti Tuomi-Nikula National Institute for Health and Welfare (THL), Helsinki, Finland Workshop Health Equity 2020, Brussels,
Permanent health monitoring and reporting system in EU Consisting of gathering, analysis, presentation, dissemination and interpretation of health information for health policy and planning at EU level and in all Member States. VISION
To consolidate and expand the ECHI Indicator system towards a sustainable health monitoring system in Europe To collect and disseminate comparable health data and information based on the ECHI shortlist MAIN OBJECTIVES
ECHI shortlist 88 core health indicators Developing indicator metadata (definitions, calculations, source Information etc.) Implementation of ECHI shortlist indicators throughout Europe
ECHI Indicator list of 88 core indicators and updates (latest 2012) Tools to assess countries to implement ECHI Indicators in national health information systems. ECHIM Pilot Data Collection ECHI Indicators implemented in xx countries… RESULTS
IS FI ES PT FR RSBGHR HU CZ PL EE LV LT SK IE LU CY TR RO NL DK BE CH IT AT SI DE SE NO UK MT Minor implementation actions Included in PH data presentation websites Stated in plans for future actions Included in national databases / PH reporting ECHI Indicators implementation progress in 5/2012 AL GR KS MD Not implemented
2 dimensions: 1) Relevant policy areas; health inequalities (incl. accessibility of care): 53/88 ECHI Indicators 2) Breakdown by Socio-Economic Status; data availability for ECHI Indicators: + Large international surveys (EHIS, EU-SILC) - Other routine data collections ECHIM and Health Equity
MORE INFORMATION: Latest information on ECHIM, presentations, newsletters etc. Future?