Disability Support for Clinical Placement Martin Simons. Practice Placement Manager/Senior Charge Nurse Queen Elizabeth Hospital Birmingham.
What is Disability? Disability Discrimination Act (1995/2005) U.K Law: ‘A physical or mental impairment that has a substantial and long term effect on a persons’ ability to carry out normal day to day activities.’
Disability Discrimination Act. Reasonable Adjustment: A U.K. Employer has a duty under the Disability Discrimination Act (1995/2005) to make 'reasonable adjustments' ensuring that staff are not put at a substantial disadvantage.
Disclosure of Disability. Often difficult: Labelling. Discrimination. Humiliation. Bullying. Lack of awareness of disability.
Background Pre registration nursing issues. Clinical Education Team issues. Referral process.
Group Membership. Clinicians. Educators. Other departments. Higher Education Institutions. Incorporating other Trusts.
Aim of Group. Advice and support. Encourage disclosure. Assess practicality of reasonable adjustments for clinical setting. Follow up support. An evolving group.
Case Study 1 Student Nurse Angela. History of depression. Self harmer 1st placement following long intermission from course. Shy, nervous, fragile. Medication.
Case Study 2 Staff Nurse Karen. Injured by patient when on duty. Lost full use of left thumb. Taken off clinical duties. Auditing and Administration. Wanted to nurse! Frustrated!!!
Case Study 3 Student Nurse Donna. Poor documentation. Issues with managing time and priorities. Difficulty reading black type on white paper.
Recent Initiatives. Any member of staff needing dyslexia assessment will be funded by Trust. Trial taking place with software to support dyslexia. Addition of Registered Mental Health Nurse to Group. Looking at developing a ‘Disability Champion’ role in clinical areas. Involved in cases in other staff groups in the Trust.
In Conclusion – Who Benefits? Staff. Students Trust. Patients.
Thanks for Listening. A Lesson Learned! Disclosure and effective communication is better for everyone concerned and saves potential embarrassment. Thanks for Listening.