Orientation Packet CRUSADERS www.primericabusinessopportunity.com www.primericaonline.com
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Crusaders Weekly Schedule Oakdale Office 4580 Sunrise Highway Oakdale, NY 11769 Thursday Training & Business Briefing @ 7:30 PM Saturday Training & Business Briefing @ 9:30 AM Jump Start Orientation Class @ 9:30 AM Advanced Training @ 11:00 AM Freeport Office 82 Pine Street Freeport, NY 11520 Tuesday Training & Business Briefing @ 7:30 PM Manhattan Office Hotel New Yorker, 3rd Floor. 34th St.& 8th Ave. New York, New York 1st 3 Wednesdays Business Briefing @ 7:00 PM Training @ 8:00PM
Crusaders Communication Program Crusader Conference Call Every Monday Stay Connected To Our Powerful Leader NSD Joseph Cardino Via Crusader Conference Call (Dial in Begins @ 9:45PM) 712-775-7100 PASSCODE: 514773 Please Announce Your Name And Hit * 6 to Mute Your Telephone Crusader Group Text Text “.join crusaders” to 206-747-3700 and follow the instructions
KEEP IT VERY SIMPLE AND SAY THIS WORD FOR WORD I RECENTLY APPLIED FOR A POSITION… Reason why I’m calling is I need your help. I recently applied for a position with a company and I put your name down as a reference. Someone will be call you to do a background check. I need you to say good things about me. Will you help me? KEEP IT VERY SIMPLE AND SAY THIS WORD FOR WORD P.S. If they ask anything like “What kind of company is this? Or what will you be doing?” Or any other questions like this just simply say “it’s an asset management company and I’m not really sure what I’ll be doing yet but I’m looking forward to it. Please help me out when they call you.” THIS WORKS BEST WHEN DONE OVER THE PHONE.
How to bring someone to the office John, I need your help, can you help me? WFA (most common response will be yes or what do you need?) you’re a friend of mine right? I’ve just gotten involved in a business I’m very excited about. I respect you and Mary a lot, and I need your help. I would like to have you come and look at the business to see if you see the same potential I do. Once you receive a positive response, say: The company I’m working with has an Business Overview scheduled on (selected date and time) for interested and qualified candidates. I’d like you to join me as my special guest, okay? Offer to pick them up for the appointment. How to bring someone to the office that is close to you.
How to bring someone to the office What are you doing Tuesday night at 7 PM? (Why?) I was wondering if you could use an extra $500-$1000 a month in your spare time. (Doing what?) There’s something I want you to see and someone I want you to meet. Make yourself available and I’ll give you directions or I’ll pick you up. (What’s it all about?) It’s about an hour. I’m working with some great people that are showing me how money works and how to make money. Trust me. Are we ok for Tuesday night or would Saturday 12:30 pm be better? You trust me? (Can’t you give me a little something?) It’s impossible in bits and pieces. I’m still learning myself and I don’t want to give any wrong information. Tuesday night you’ll understand everything. Don’t worry, you’re with me! What time should I pick you up? 6:00 pm ok How to bring someone to the office that is not close to you.
How to set up an appointment with someone close to you. I need your help, can you help me? WFA (most common response will be yes or what do you need?) I have a new position with a great company and possibly changing careers. Right now I’m going through a training program and working towards a promotion. I need your help. I need to come over and sit with you for about 30 minutes with my field trainer from the company to show you what I’ll be doing. He’s a great guy and he’s really helping me. This means a lot to me and I need your support; will you help me? If there is something that you see that you like and you want to take advantage of it then that is fine with me but the reason I want to sit with you is to help me. Fair enough? If they say “They are not going to try to sell me something are they?” Will You Feel Comfortable Saying This to Your Family and Friends? How to set up an appointment with someone close to you.
How to set up an appointment with someone not as close to you! I started working part time with some great money professionals that are teaching me how to make smart financial decisions. I’ve learned so much about money that I was not aware of. I started to think of people that would definitely benefit from this and I thought of you. I’m also going through a training in this field of saving money and protecting families and was hoping you would help me with a free field training appointment with my financial coach. He’s a great person and this would help me tremendously and will also help you. No commitment from you of course but if you’re willing to help me you will learn a lot yourself. It happened to me. Would you be willing to take a 5 minute phone call from my professional or can we set up an appointment where we can come to you? Would you help me? How to set up an appointment with someone not as close to you!
Why it Benefits YOU to get on Appointments! Help your Family or Friend (close business & get you paid) Teach you this Business ( learn how we do this & get you field trained) Prove to You that this business works. (eliminate your doubts & want you to know it was smart to join Primerica) Get you recruiting Referrals and appointment Referrals (have unlimited people to see & places to go) How would you fell if your family or friends stay in debt, died without life insurance and leave kids behind, or maybe they stay up at night crying because they can’t pay their bills and you could have brought them extra income? How would you feel about that? Recruit the client for you if possible (increase your clients income & build you a team) Why it Benefits YOU to get on Appointments!
It’s your closest Friends or Family. Whose is your closest family? (mother, father, sisters, brothers, aunts, uncles, etc. If your car broke down at 2 in the morning, besides AAA who would you call? Who do you know at work, church or kids schools that are married with kids? Who would you list on your resume if you were applying for a job? Whose home can you show up to without having to call them first? Who are the 3 most motivated or ambitious people you know? Whose house can you open the refrigerator with out asking? Who was the best man or maid of honor at your wedding? Whose house can you walk in through the back door? Who have you helped lately or who has helped you? Name 5 people you know that own a home? Who is your best friend or friends? What is a HOT TEN list? It’s your closest Friends or Family. Fill out your HOT TEN form now so we can hire your first few teammates, help your first few families and receive your $1000!
PFSU ENROLLMENT SHEET DATE OF ORIENTATION _________________ UPLINE LEADER_________ Name _____________________________ Solution Number _________ First Appointment Date: ____________ First Training Date: __________ Class City:________________ Class Address: ___________________ ___________________ Course Date: 1st Session: _________________________ 2nd Session: _________________________ 3rd Session:__________________________