define plancontrol BudgetQuality Time BUS 4017 HR. Welcome to: Project Management Week 4. Professor Fred Pentney
define plancontrol BudgetQuality Time Review of previous week (3) Terms-review to date; keep adding to your lists. Did you start locate some templates or samples of forms e.g. R.F.P.’s., S.O.W., Proposals, Charter, Responsibility Matrix’s ready for Wk. 5 ? Case P. 39 Could you evaluate the Proposals provided by Jennifer’s managers based on the Decision Matrix method shown last week.
define plancontrol BudgetQuality Time Week four agenda: Stakeholder meeting – issues. Data base Finish Gido P. 39 Decision Matrix. Planning phase. Hi level and detailed planning Risk management intro. The WBS Group activity: create a WBS to work package. Responsibility Matrix for the Work packages Estimating the Work Packages MS Project software demonstration Finalize Groups for the Final Group Project Home assignments review
define plancontrol BudgetQuality Time Planning stage – WBS Planning is essential for success of project Without planning risk of failure increases Planning requires an objective which is developed during Definition stage Plan is - what is to be done and how it is going to be done (road map) We can measure variances from plan and get back to benchmarks/baselines
define plancontrol BudgetQuality Time Risk management Must develop risk management strategy and implementation “early” in project. Method-assess the following: Risk items or areas Probability of occurrence Impact (severity or damage) How to manage the risk
define plancontrol BudgetQuality Time Hi level WBS (at Definition stage ) Hi level Plans at Definition stage vs. detailed planning using WBS. Finalize the objective from Definition stage Create the hierarchal WBS chart based on levels Start with objective: the “deliverable”- product or service First level-Summary tasks- (headings indicating completion of the work packages) Further levels down to work packages-the jobs that are actually done by the workers using the planned resources.
define plancontrol BudgetQuality Time WBS process Choose one of two methods 1.Make a list of all the items that need to be done and then ‘chunk’ them into categories. 2.Start with the Objective and then decompose it (break it down) into major task categories and then sub tasks down to the level that team members understand what they are doing.
define plancontrol BudgetQuality Time WBS – the process, method 1 A dinner party Make a list of tasks to achieve objective – see Random order is O.K. Then find relationships between tasks Specify (the objective). This is your top “box” 1 st level: specify the hi level tasks (Summary tasks) 2 nd level: group related work items under appropriate Summary headings
define plancontrol BudgetQuality Time WBS – the process, method 2 Specify objective Create headings, i.e. Summary tasks Breakdown Summary tasks into sub headings or tasks. The sub tasks are assigned to team members as Work Packages on a Responsibility Matrix
define plancontrol BudgetQuality Time WBS finalized Work packages are estimated for time/cost/resources needed Work packages are then scheduled
define plancontrol BudgetQuality Time Task (activity) list 1. Random order if necessary 2. Next find relationships Hi level Dinner Summ ary BuyCookServe Plan Work packag es Meat Veg Meat Veg Wine Dinner Make lists Eat Drink Socialize Tasks list: Dinner party Buy veg Pour wine Eat/drink Make my list Cook Buy meat Plan Serve Cook meat Serve food Cook veggies Buy meat Socialize
define plancontrol BudgetQuality Time From Definition to work packages.
define plancontrol BudgetQuality Time Estimating the work packages Activity TimeCost / hr.Labour Costs $ Materials $ TotaL $ Shop Veg 1.0$10 $13$23 Shop Meat 1.5$10$15$27$42 Cook time 3.0$15$45- Serve2.0$15$30- Plan0.5$10$5- Total
define plancontrol BudgetQuality Time Estimating Work Packages Activity TimeCost / hr.Labour Costs $ Materials $ TotaL $ Shop Veg 1.0$10 $13$23 Shop Meat 1.5$10$15$27$42 Cook time 3.0$15$45- Serve2.0$15$30- Plan0.5$10$5- Total
define plancontrol BudgetQuality Time Scheduling the work Look at our WBS. Choose a task that has to be done What come before that What come after What can be done at the same time (don’t’ worry about # of people at this point but logic of sequence).
define plancontrol BudgetQuality Time Schedule We can use a Network diagram We can use a GANTT chart We can use a bar chart (MS XL) We can list Predecessors to various tasks
define plancontrol BudgetQuality Time Network diagram - Note: don’t show Summary items Plan Cook Serve wine Serve food Eat/drink Finish Start Note: Boxes can have Task # Duration time, ES.,LS., EF.. LF. & Float/Slack Buy Socialize
define plancontrol BudgetQuality Time Calculating Critical path Finish Start This is a key learning next week
define plancontrol BudgetQuality Time GANTT or Bar chart On this chart show Summary items and tasks. Activity5pm6 pm7 pm8 pm9 pm10pm Dinner p Plan Buy Groc Buy meat Buy veg Cook
define plancontrol BudgetQuality Time Apply WBS learning Review the I.T. project in Gido and Clements P and note same processes used whether the project is basic as in our dinner party or a complex IT project. Create a WBS from the Market Survey Tasks on P. 110
define plancontrol BudgetQuality Time Apply learning, part 2 Use the handout provided on building a house to practice developing a WBS Choose a project. State the objective in Project Management terms and then create a WBS. E.g. A current news item in involving a Human Resources department
define plancontrol BudgetQuality Time MS Project Software The more complex the greater the need for software. P. 125 Note benefits of using software: Identifies constraints/conflicts/ Displays data in a variety of ways MS Project Demonstration in class: Use handout provided to start your learning MS Project on Library and 3 rd Floor Labs.
define plancontrol BudgetQuality Time MS Project Software learning The Gido text shows the Market Study Case (p ) applied to MS project s/ware in Ch. 5 (p ) and subsequent chapters finishing with Ch. 9 (p ). We will demonstrate each Ch. in class and have asked for Labs. so we can also practice together.
define plancontrol BudgetQuality Time Q & A 1.Where does the info. for the WBS come from? 2.What other documents or procedures does the WBS impact or effect? 3.What is a major purpose of the WBS? 4.Another common word for Task? 5.Are Summary tasks actually completed as jobs? 6.Do we start at the top or bottom to create a WBS? 7.What is the relationship of the WBS to Responsibility Matrix? 8.To what degree of detail do we break down the task?
define plancontrol BudgetQuality Time Today - review Key learning's. Liked Do different?
define plancontrol BudgetQuality Time WK. 4 Home Assignment Bring templates of forms we have discussed to Class next week-to be used in Group activity.