Set of priorities per WBS level 3 elements: (current numbering need to be mapped to new WBS version from Tim) (AD = member of wheels with oversight responsibility) (TL = technical leads of doing the work)
Operate the TeraGrid Network (AD: Tony, TL: Linda Winkler) a) Consummate contracts for CHI-SDSC link b) Develop network failover plan (to Abilene) Compute Systems (AD: Mike, TL: RP-Tech-Leads ?) <- Mike ? a) Deploy CTSS v Storage Systems (AD: Kelly, TL: Bryan Banister -WG chair) a) Upgrade GridFTP performance (deploy Caltech nodes) 1.1.8) Operations and QA (AD: Tony, TL: Tony's back pocket) a) Define what "Operations" is and what we're trying to do a) Create an operations dashboard 1.1.9) Allocations Management (AD: Tony, TL: Steve/Dave) a) Provide activation and usage interfaces to support User Portal b) Provide information needed for RAC meeting Software Management (AD: Mike, TL: JP/Lee ) a) Build and Test CTSS v3 by April ) User access management (AD: Sergiu, TL: Eric R.) a) Provide easier and faster way for users to enable new accounts/access 1.2.3) Security (AD: Tony, TL: Jim Marsteller) a) Consolidate Policy status and finalize those “ripe” b) Consolidate the Community Account implementation 1.2.4) Verification and Validation Tools (AD: Mike, TL: ??) <- Mike ? a) Integrate and Validate new tests for CTSS v3 into INCA
Communicate with Stakeholders 2.1) User Consulting (AD: Sergiu, TL: Rich Raymond) a) Improve the L/MRAC liaison bonding 2.2) Science Gateway Support (AD: Nancy, TL: Nancy) a) Develop a transition plan from dedicated support to support team 2.3) User Portal (AD: Sergiu, TL: Eric Roberts) a) Deploy v1 with account activation and usage summary capabilities 2.4) Help Desk (AD: Sergiu, TL: Mike Pingleton) a) Perform an effort analysis on expended effort for current support levels 2.5) Documentation (AD: Sergiu, TL: Diana Diehl) a) Provide documentation to support CTSS v3 and User Portal deployments b) Revise “Getting Started” and “Quick Start” guides c) Figure out relationship with EOT 2.6) Training (AD: Scott, TL: Sandy Copius, Don Frederick, Sergiu) a) Consolidate list of activities for 2006 b) Confirm SuperComputing 3-yr educational program 2.7) Outreach (AD: Scott, TL: Scott) a) Plan and conduct the 2006 “All Hands Meeting” b) Explore options for non-compute resources joining TG (e.g. Florida International Univ.) 2.8) External Relations (AD: Scott, TL: Scott, Faith) a) Hire webmaster and redesign website b) Produce TeraGrid article/special issue in e.g. ACM c) Produce TG highlights brochure
Enhance the TeraGrid 3.1) Integration Tools (AD: Kelly, TL: Lee Liming ) <- Mike ? a) Deploy the Information Services Infrastructure 3.2) Data (AD: Kelly, TL: Bryan Banister) a) Improve striped GridFTP reliability b) Improve striped GridFTP performance 3.3) Computation (AD: Kelly, TL: ) <- Mike ? Mike Pingleton, Don Fredricks a) Generate charge and form coscheduling RAT 3.4) Science Gateway Prototypes (AD: Nancy, TL: Nancy) a) Develop audit strategy for gateways 3.5) Visualization (AD: Kelly, TL: Mike Papka, Kelly) a) Develop strategic plan for Visualization services/resources
Manage the Project 4.1) System Architecture (AD: Dane, TL: wheels) a) Define baseline TeraGrid components and interfaces b) Consolidate and confirm policy documents and process 4.2) Internal Communications (AD: Scott, TL: Scott & Dane) a) Rationalize the communications tools/infrastructure b) Spread the corporate vision of the TeraGrid architecture 4.3) Project Controls (AD: Charlie & Dane, TL: ditto) a) Form the CUAC b) Design and Conduct the 2006 User Survey 4.4) Project Planning (AD: Dane, TL: Dane) a) Complete the WBS process to fully loaded timelines b) Define and iterate through process to integrate new resources into TeraGrid 4.5) Reporting (AD: Charlie/Tim, TL: Esleen) a) Debug Invoicing Process with GIG subawards