VIVA ILL ,094,541 Total Loans!
VIVA Interlibrary Loan Resources
Cooperative Borrowing Project Now a standing VIVA program with 39 participating institutions Allows students, faculty, and staff at VIVA institutions to borrow materials on-site at any participating library A map of the participating institutions has been added to the VIVA website
Cooperative Borrowing Project
Collection Cancellations FY15 Cancellations: American Mathematical Society Journals CIAO (Columbia International Affairs Online) Elsevier E-Book Frontlist not purchased for 2015 MathSciNet ProQuest Congressional (ends 9/30/15) Springer Earth & Environmental Science e-book collection not purchased for 2015 Anticipated 7% budget cut for FY16 has been limited to a 5% cut
RFP for Nursing and Social Sciences Resources ProQuest Sociological Abstracts and PAIS and the Ovid LWW Total Access collection shifted from public-wide subscription to opt-in New EBSCO full text databases for the public institutions: CINAHL is now CINAHL with Full Text EconLit with Full Text (also a Private Pooled Funds product) Political Science Complete SocINDEX with Full Text
Monographic Collection Analysis Project: The Basics Took place from Pilot group of 12 libraries – doctoral, 4 year, 2 year, private Included in the analysis: All circulating, English language print monographs Main libraries only A total of just under 6 million records
Monographic Collection Analysis Project: Resulting Initiatives A Memorandum of Understanding to protect the unique and rare titles (unique in Virginia and held by fewer than 10 libraries in the United States) A Memorandum of Understanding for the cooperative retention of widely-held monographs by eight of the institutions Establishing a voluntary recommended threshold of four copies for new print monograph purchases Focusing VIVA ebook acquisitions on publishers with widely and highly and recently used print titles
Monographic Collection Analysis Project: Focus on Widely-Held Retention Designed to allow for safe deduplication across the consortium Protects two holdings for each title with one or more uses and one holding for each title with zero uses Allocation was done through a prioritization of subject areas for each institution Protected titles are flagged in GreenGlass so that institutions can use this software to generate weeding lists that exclude these titles
Oxford Scholarship Online New to VIVA this year! 2015 Frontlist Will total 1,089 books in a wide range of disciplines Allows E-ILL at the chapter level
Additional VIVA Meetings Virginia Heritage Town Meeting, August 2015 Collections Forum, September 2015