Dec 12-14, 2005TBM Planning and Costing Meeting DCLL R&D Evaluations Summary Compiled by Neil Morley for the TBM Planning and Costing Meeting Dec 12-14, 2005
TBM Planning and Costing Meeting Main DCLL R&D areas R&DMorley47 Subtasks Tritium ControlMerrill/Willms3 subtasks Thermofluid MHDSmolentsev7 subtasks SiC/SiC Fab Process & PropertiesKatoh6 subtasks SiC/PbLi/FS CompatibilityPint4 subtasks FS Box Fabrication & Material IssuesRowcliffe/Kurtz/Dagher10 subtasks Helium Systems Subcomponent TestsWong2 subtasks PbLi Hydrogen ProductionMerrill1 subtask Be Joining to FSZinkle,Ulrickson4 subtasks Virtual TBMAbdou3 subtasks Advanced DiagnosticsMorley4 subtasks Integrated mockup testsTanaka/Fogarty3 subtasks
Dec 12-14, 2005TBM Planning and Costing Meeting Evaluating R&D Tasks Summarize the main purpose of this subtask. What critical need does this R&D address? Is it more oriented towards (1) Establishing basic TBM feasibility for fusion (2) Understanding/predicting TBM performance required for design, or (3) Adding to safety and qualification database. Summarize the risks to the machine or mission if this R&D is not performed. Do you have suggestions for modification of this R&D Subtask to make it more useful or cost effective? For instance, you know of specific facilities, past work, capabilities that already exist that could be tapped for this work? Etc. Categorize this subtask based on the following system: –E = Essential for the qualification and successful execution of the TBM experiment, and no other party is doing it –I = Important for the qualification and successful execution of the TBM experiment, or Essential but is definitely being done by another party –D = Desirable but the risk is acceptable if not performed Categorize this subtask schedule over the next 10 year period based on the following system –B = Beginning 3-4 years. Needed immediately for preliminary design choices –M = Middle 3-4 years. Needed in the middle of the next 10 years after initial R&D is performed (for instance for qualification or integrated effects tests). –E = Ending 3-4 years. Needed before performance of first experiments or is specific for subsequent modules
Dec 12-14, 2005TBM Planning and Costing Meeting 10 year R&D Cost Estimate Summary (burdened, 2005 dollars, no contingency) R&D~$47.3M Tritium Permeation($2.8M)+$1m Thermofluid MHD$10M SiC/SiC Fab Process & Properties$2.25M SiC/PbLi/FS Compatibility$.75M FS Box Fabrication & Material Issues$15M Helium Systems Subcomponent Tests$.84M PbLi Hydrogen Production$2.4M Be Joining to FS (TBM PFC)$4.7M Virtual TBM$4.3M Advanced Diagnostics$2.7M Integrated mockup tests$4.34M
Dec 12-14, 2005TBM Planning and Costing Meeting DCLL 1 st Test Module Fabrication Schedule Summary *Prototype may or may not be full scale
Dec 12-14, 2005TBM Planning and Costing Meeting Main DCLL TBM R&D areas R&DMorley47 Subtasks Tritium ControlMerrill/Willms3 subtasks Thermofluid MHDSmolentsev7 subtasks SiC/SiC Fab Process & PropertiesKatoh6 subtasks SiC/PbLi/FS CompatibilityPint4 subtasks FS Box Fabrication & Material IssuesRowcliffe/Kurtz/Dagher10 subtasks Helium Systems Subcomponent TestsWong2 subtasks PbLi Hydrogen ProductionMerrill1 subtask Be Joining to FSZinkle,Ulrickson4 subtasks Virtual TBMAbdou3 subtasks Advanced DiagnosticsMorley4 subtasks Integrated mockup testsTanaka/Fogarty3 subtasks Yellow indicates some disagreement
Dec 12-14, 2005TBM Planning and Costing Meeting Resolving remaining conflicts Let me speak to coordinator and people offering dissenting opinions and make a judgment for the first draft of the report People can make a case offering a different opinion and we will note it in the report as well Other suggestions? Committee, etc…
Dec 12-14, 2005TBM Planning and Costing Meeting What needs to be provided/written by task coordinators by Dec 23 Review the WBS structure (Attachment 1) and provide any suggested changes before proceeding with the following actions. Create lower level WBS elements to the point where costs will be collected (subtask level either 6 or 7). Prepare a brief description of the work scope content for each WBS element for which you are responsible utilizing the format provided in Attachment 2. These descriptions should clearly reflect what is included or excluded from the associated estimate and the basis for the scope and requirements.
Dec 12-14, 2005TBM Planning and Costing Meeting What needs to be written (cont.) Fill in the detailed cost sheet (Attachment 3), one for each WBS subtask level 6 and 7. For the current pre CD-0 cost activity, it is not necessary to have every element on the form completed, but where the detail is available, please provide it. Contingency is not included in the base cost. Complete Attachment 4 by summarizing the detailed cost sheets completed in action 3. Using Tables 2 and 3, fill in the assessment of the technical, cost, and schedule risks and the weighting factors on the bottom section of the detailed cost sheets generated in step 4 (Attachment 3) (one for each WBS level 6 and 7).
Dec 12-14, 2005TBM Planning and Costing Meeting What needs to be written (cont.) Using the format in Attachment 4, provide a schedule network (list of activities and durations) for all of your Level 6 and 7 WBS elements, with at least 3 activities listed for each WBS element. When designating predecessors or successor activities, please be sure to consider activities that must be done by other participants and the Planning Milestones (see attachment 5). List key assumptions. Review the milestones provided in Attachment 5; suggest others to show start or finish of significant project tasks. Provide the expected completion dates. For each WBS level 5 (or below) list and describe the major risks utilizing Attachment 6 and the guidelines in Tables 4 – 6.