Battle of the Monitor and Merrimack By Eric Jenkins
The People Involved Franklin Buchanan captain of the Virginia Catesby Roger Jones Second in command of Virginia Louis M. Louis M. Goldsborough Commander of Blockade John Wordon captain of Monitor
Where the battle took place Sewell's point off Hampton Roads End of day one
Timeframe March 8 Battle starts Day finishes, Virginia retreats New Day, Monitor arrives Day starts, Virginia attacks.
What took place Virginia and James River Squad attack blockade of the Cumberland congress St. Lawrence Roanoke and Minnesota Virginia rams Cumberland sinking it Virginia and James River Squad. Force Congress to surrender Virginia Retreats
What Took Place II Next day Virginia and James River squad attack Minnesota Monitor defends Minnesota Battle draw Union Blockade maintained
Outcome Union blockade maintained First battle of ironclads Union sent 2 more ironclads to blockade
Effects of the battle All the Naval powers built Monitors Virginia Scuttled Monitor sank in storm Monitors Effective until H.M.S. Dreadnaught
Conclusion Battle was first of ironclads Battle made all wooden ships obsolete Battle set new standard of Naval Warfare Blockade maintained
Bibliography Keegan, John. The American Civil War: a Military History. New York: Random House Large Print, Print. "Battle of Hampton Roads." Wikipedia, the Free Encyclopedia. Web. 24 Oct "Battle of the Monitor and the Merrimack C.S.S. Virginia Civil War Naval Battle." American Civil War History Timelines Battle Map Pictures. Web. 24 Oct "Battle of the Monitor and Merrimac." The Civil War. Web. 24 Oct ksburg.html ksburg.html b.htm b.htm