2 HIC Meeting ▲ 2006 July 11 NOAA’s Hydrology Program Snow Science Steering Team Tom Carroll –Team Leader Geoff Bonnin Pedro Restrepo Don Laurine
3 HIC Meeting ▲ 2006 July 11 Approach SSST Charter –Official start date: 2006 July 1 –First meetings: June 2, June 28 –No end in sight Collate HL, NOHRSC, RFC, Eric Anderson, and OCWWS snow project information and requirements Develop near-term snow task plans for HL and NOHRSC based on HL, NOHRSC, RFC, and Anderson input Develop long-term snow science plan for energy balance snow modeling in hydrology program operations
4 HIC Meeting ▲ 2006 July 11 Collate Snow Project Information June 5-Aug 31 Summarize HL snow R&D activities –Past accomplishments, current activities, proposed new starts Assess implementation status of 2006 Snow-17 Summarize NOHRSC snow R&D activities –Identify potential SNODAS products to support Snow-17 updating e.g., forecasting, 3-5 year reanalysis, Snow-17 parameter estimates Summarize Eric Anderson’s recent contract support –Review procedures to update Snow-17 with SNODAS information –Review and incorporate Eric’s “Reflections” 2003 November, 2005 February, and 2005 June Summarize RFC/WFO Snow-17/SNODAS requirements –Review SSST process and objectives with DSST and HSD Chiefs –Solicit RFC & WFO input, suggestions, and recommendations e.g., Identify required bug-fixes or minor Snow-17 modifications and improvements not addressed in 2006 Snow-17
5 HIC Meeting ▲ 2006 July 11
6 Develop Near-term Snow Task Plans Based on HL, NOHRSC, RFC, and Anderson Input Sept 5-Oct 31 Establish objectives, testing, verification, implementation, success criteria, and timeline Identify snow development and implementation tasks for: –Hydrology Laboratory –National Operational Hydrologic Remote Sensing Center –Eric Anderson Identify pathway through, and timeframe for: –HOSIP>OSIP>SREC>(SEC<>OHD)>Raytheon>AWIPS Engage AHPS/ARC/Theme Team processes Create WBS to summarize FY 2007 tasks and to monitor project status by November 1 –Report progress quarterly
7 HIC Meeting ▲ 2006 July 11
8 Ensure near-term HL and NOHRSC snow task plans are integrated with long-term snow science plan Ensure long-term snow science plan is integration with OHD's NOAA's Hydrology Program Science Plan Develop long-term snow science plan for energy balance snow modeling in NOAA’s Hydrology Program Sept 5-Oct 31
9 HIC Meeting ▲ 2006 July 11 NOAA’s Hydrology Program Science Plan Long-term snow science plan NOAA’s Hydrology Program Snow Science Near-term, integrated tasks for HL, NOHRSC, and Anderson
10 HIC Meeting ▲ 2006 July 11 NOAA’s Hydrology Program Snow Science NOAA’s Hydrology Program Science Plan Long-term snow science plan Near-term snow tasks
11 HIC Meeting ▲ 2006 July 11 NOAA’s Hydrology Program Snow Science Steering Team Tom Carroll –Team Leader Geoff Bonnin Pedro Restrepo Don Laurine
12 HIC Meeting ▲ 2006 July 11