Women and Domestic Life in Colonial America Rebecca Tannenbaum Yale University
“Secoton Village” by John White, 1585
A man and a woman eating boiled corn, by John White, 1585
Wampanoag Potter, Plimouth Plantation
Iroquois Cradleboard, 19 th Century
Pocahontas “Saves” John Smith
Pocahontas in 1616
Two Versions of Wetamo
Map of New Haven in 1641
Elizabeth Freake and Her Daughter Mary, 1641
A Midwife Delivering a Baby
The Mason Children, 1670
Tobacco Plant
Advertisements Selling Indentured Servants and Slaves
Indentured Servants Awaiting Sale (Colonial Williamsburg)
An Indentured Servant in St. Mary’s City, MD
Women and Men in the Tobacco Fields
Small Planter’s House, St. Mary’s City, MD
French Portrait of an African Woman, 1800
Overseer and Women Slaves, Virginia