The Role of Personal Development Advisors and Staff BUE Kevin Millam Teaching and Learning Coordinator
Structure of the session Personal Development Advisors their role requirements of the scheme key documents Staff Development the University Strategic Plan the concept of continuous development the British system and ethos probation and PDR identification and sharing of good practice
Why Personal Advisors? You are making a transition: into a new institution very possibly into a new way of teaching and assessment very possibly into a new system The function of the Personal Development Advisor and of Staff Development is to help you make this transition as smoothly as possible: for your sake and for the sake of the students
The role of Personal Advisors The Role of the Personal Development Advisor is: To support new staff to adapt to the BUE approach to teaching, learning and assessment as well as our systems and regulations To act as a source of information To support new staff to complete their 3 month probation period including a peer observation of teaching To act as a source of support, and to help identify and address any development needs in the first 8 months
Requirements of the scheme Formal Meet five times Ensure minimum requirements are met Answer questions Help new staff write their Personal Development Plan Ensure arrangements are in place for peer observation of teaching Ensure formal monitoring of the completion of the PDP Informal A point of contact Discuss the workshops Answer questions
Key documents All documents are on the BUE website and include: %20Probation%20Induction%20and%20PDP%20monitoring%20minus%20forms%20- % pdf Staff Probation, Induction and Personal Development Plans - Guidelines Staff Induction Checklist Personal Development Plan (PDP) – Pro forma Peer Observation of Teaching – Guidelines Sherouk Induction Checklist and Buddy System* Sherouk Buddy System - Guidelines * * Relates to staff living in the Sherouk compound
Staff BUE Staff Development the University Strategic Plan the concept of continuous development the British system and ethos probation and PDR identification and sharing of good practice
The role of Staff Development The University Strategic Plan Teaching and Learning Research Enterprise Staff Development as an Enabling Objective Continuous Development – The Annual Quality Enhancement Cycle Teaching & Learning has a central role at BUE and should be continually enhanced The British Ethos Procedures for assessment design, marking and feedback Development of Independent Learners
The role of Staff Development Probation Personal Development Plans Workshops/Checklist PDR UK Validation Retain UK validation from Loughborough University Seek new validation partners QAA requirements and UK norms
Requirements of Staff Development Staff Development: starts with your first three months then the next eight months and then continues (with the University reviewing arrangement for the introduction of annual PDRs) More information from: Personal Development Advisors the Faculty Staff Development Coordinator The Faculty Staff Development Plan
External scrutiny in the UK Lots of external groups looking at what we do… Quality Assurance Agency reviews teaching quality National Student Survey captures students’ views The Higher Education Academy validates staff development programmes Newspapers produce detailed league tables
Any questions? We ask you to tell us how we can help you best