29th Nov 2001 Dr. David Bailey Thematic Network CAME-GT Cleaner And More Efficient Gas Turbines New Opportunities for Newly Associated Countries
INTRODUCTION CAME-GT CAME-GT is a Thematic Network established under Framework 5 (Contract No: ENK5-CT ) Project is co-ordinated by Dr. David Pollard (ALSTOM Power) Covers whole range of gas turbines 250MW Budget of 725 KEuro and will run for 38 months (Kick-Off October 2000) Currently 7 Partners
To co-ordinate RTD projects in Industrial GT’s including –Natural Gas, biomass, coal gas and other fossil derived fuels –CHP applications –Combined cycles including steam turbines and/or fuel cells Four technology clusters bring together gas turbine related projects –turbomachinery, combustion, materials and systems (advanced cycles) Study groups provide plans for –RTD Strategy –Exploitation / Dissemination –Training and Education OBJECTIVES
Cleaner & More Efficient Gas Turbines CAME-GT Coordinator ALSTOM Power RTD Strategy ALSTOM Power ORGANISATION EUROPEAN RESEARCH AREA - ERA Links to other Networks CE-IGT CO2NET EEFAE-TRA EVI - GTI Turbomachinery Cluster MAN Turbo Combustion Cluster DLR Materials Cluster Siemens Systems Cluster MAN Turbo Advanced Cycles Combined Cycle, CHP Distributed Power CO2 Sequestration Fuel Cells Renewable Energy Aero- thermodynamics Compressors Turbines Interducts, exhaust Performance Advanced Materials Lifing RAM (Reliability, Availability, Maintainability) Emissions CO2 BioGas Fossil Fuels Gas Turbine Training VUB Brussels Exploitation & Dissemination RR / Gastec
Launch Meeting - 7th December 2000 –Introduction and organisation of first general workshop First Workshop - 16th February 2001 –Hosted by European Commission and attended by 48 representatives of industry, academia, research establishments, and national programmes. –Representatives from 12 of the 15 member states and 26 speakers from European or National Funded Projects. –Clusters agree to define state-of-the-art, priority areas for research and list of strategic test facilities in Europe. Second Workshop - 1st October 2001 –Hosted by European Commission and attended by 46 representatives. –Presentations given by the co-ordinators of 11 FP 5 RTD projects in the area of GT Technology. Presentations were also given by representatives of German, Dutch, Italian and Spanish National Programmes –EC led discussion on greater links with US researchers. CURRENT STATUS is up and running
NEXT STEPS 1.) To Assess the Strategic Priorities for Gas Turbine RTD 2.) Identify the potential for a European Research Area in Gas Turbine Technology through –Networks of Excellence –Virtual Institutes 3.) Bring together GT manufacturers and researchers in EU member states and the Accession Countries to –Increase competitiveness –Improve the quality of life for all European citizens
NASINT - GT New proposal NASINT-GT will be submitted by ALSTOM Power to the Call ENERGIE-NAS on December 14th –New proposal will introduce researchers from newly associated countries to the European Research Area in Gas Turbine Technology –Partners from Newly Associated States (NAS) will contribute own expertise directly to the clusters and study groups –Partners from NAS will be funded to perform investigations and to attend workshops and conferences –Further funding provided to enable researchers from other NAS organisations to attend CAME-GT workshops –Will help researchers from NAS be better informed about the GT technology needs of industry –Will increase the ability of NAS researchers to take part in the Framework programmes
Technical University of Sophia (Bulgaria) Technical University of Budapest Hungary AGH Krakow Poland Turboinstitut University of Ljubljana Slovenia Proposed New Partners PROPOSED NEW PARTNERS
FUTURE EVENTS Third CAME-GT Workshop 10/11 April 2002 –To be hosted by VUB Brussels –Group meeting followed by cluster breakout sessions –Review of existing Framework projects –We would like to see more National Research Programmes presented –We hope the new partners will be able to identify the Centres of Excellence within the New Accession Countries Joint LIFE, GROWTH and EESD Call –(QoL/Growth/EESD-2001-INTEGR) –To support integration of Newly Associated States in the European Research Area –Deadline of 31st January 2002