State Level Vigilance & Monitoring Committee Meeting Under Chairmanship of Hon’ble Minister, RD Department Date : 14 th February, 2012 Time : 3.00 PM Venue : Conference Hall No. 2 Civil Secretariat, Agartala 1
VIGILANCE & MONITORING COMMITTEE (This committee is responsible for monitoring and vigilance with reference to various Rural Development Programmes) Name of District : Name of Chairman : Name of the Co-Chairman : Name & Designation of Member Secretary : Date of Meeting :DDMMYY
Annexure - III(A) Financial Progress in programmes of Ministry of Rural Development in the district during the Year FY Year: Up to Month January, 12 (Rs in Lakh) Sl. No Programme Op. Bal. As on 1/4/.2011 AllocationRelease Total Available Funds Expen- diture % Expenditure to Available. Funds CentralStateCentralState 1.MG NREGS 2.IAY 3.SGSY 4.DRDA Admin 5.PMGSY 6.IWMP 7.NLRMP 8.ARWSP 9.TSC 10.Others (i) (ii) (iii) (iv) Total
Annexure - III(B) Mahatma Gandhi National Rural Employment Guarantee Scheme (MGNREGS) Year Upto Month. January,2012 Sl. No Block Name Expenditure (Rs. In Lakh) Total no. Of works Employment Provided (lakh person days ) WageTotal Taken Up Comple ted In progress TotalSCSTWomen Issued Job cards Demanded Employment Provided Employmen t Completed 100 days Total
Indira Awaas Yojana (IAY) Year Upto Month January, ‘12 Sl. No Block Name Number of houses Sanctioned during the previous year Completed during the previous year Under construction at the end of previous year Sanctioned during this year Completed during this year Total
Annexure-III(D) Swaranjayanti Gram Swarozgar Yojana (SGSY) Year Upto Month January, 12 Break up of Expenditure (Rs. In Lakh) Subsidy Revolving fund Infrastructure Development Skill Training Risk Fund Other Exp. Credit: SubsidyCreditSubsidyTo Amount Disbursed to SHGs Amount Disbursed to Individual Swarozgaris Physical Performance (Nos) Self-Help Groups(SHGs)Total Since During The Current Year Upto The Month No. of SHGs Formed No. of Defunct SHGs No of SHGs Passed Grade No of SHGs Passed Grade II No of SHGs taken up Economic Activities No of Women SHGs Formed No of Women SHGs Taken up Economic Activities TotalSCSTWomenMinorityDisable No of Members of SHGs assisted for Economic Activities No of Individual Sworozgaries assisted for Economic Activities No of Members of SHGs Trained No of Individual Sworozgaries Trained
Pradhan Mantri Gram Sadak Yojana(PMGSY) Year Upto Month Jan, ‘12 (Rs in Crores,Length in Km) Sl NoBlock Name SanctionedCompleted No of Roads Works Length Of Road Works No of Roads Works Length Of Road Works Total
Accelerated Rural Water Supply Program(ARWSP) Year Upto Month Jan, ‘12 Sl NoBlock Name Number Of Habitation Covered No of Schools Covered NCPCQuality Affected Sleep Back Total
Annexure-III(G) Total Sanitation Campaign (TSC) Year Upto Month Jan, ‘12 Nos Sl No Block Name Individual Household Latrine(IHHL) Constructed Toilets constructed for Sanitary complexes constructed Rural Sanitation Mart Producti on Centre No of G.Ps awarded NGP so far No of G.Ps applied NGP this year APLBPLSchoolAnganwadi Total
National Social Assistance Programme(NSAP) Year Upto Month Jan, ‘12 Sl No Block/Su b-District Scheme Existin g benefic iaries Applicat ions received Applicat ions sanction ed Applicati ons pending Cases where pension termina ted Records of beneficiari es placed on website Beneficiaries whos pension is being disbursed through Bank Accoun t Post Office Accoun t Cash Mone y Order Total IGNOAPS IGNWPS IGNDPS Total IGNOAPS IGNWPS IGNDPS NFBS No of Applicati ons received No of Applicatio ns Sanctione d No of cases where benefit disbursed
Staffing Position of DRDA Year Upto Month Jan, ‘12 Sl NoName of the Post Number Of Posts Vacant Since(Date) SanctionedFilled UpVacant Total
Cumulative report on inspection of Rural Development Programmers in the District for the year Upto Month Jan, ‘12 (Numbers Inspected) Sl no Name & Designation of the officer NREGA works IAY houses SGSY beneficiarie s/SHGs DRDA Admn. PMGSY Projects IWMP Projects ARWSP Schemes TSC Facilities Blocked LevelG.P Level
Proforma-1 STATUS REPORT ON STATE LEVEL VIGILANCE & MONITORING COMMITTEE Details of Meeting held during the 4rth quarter: Meeting Number of MPs/MLAs Nominated as members Number of MPs or MLAs who perticipated in the Meeting DateChaired byMPs(LS)MP(RS)MLAsMPs(RS)MP(RS)MLAs Proforma-II STATUS REPORT ON STATE LEVEL VIGILANCE & MONITORING COMMITTEE 1.Name of the State/UT: 2.Name of the District: 3.Details of Meeting held during the quarter: Meeting Number of MPs/MLAs Nominated as membersNumber of MPs or MLAs who perticipated in the Meeting DateChaired byMPs(LS)MP(RS)PRI MembersMLAsMPs(RS)MP(RS)MLAs PRI Members