Metric System & SI System
The standard for measurement in the scientific community today is the metric system. We use the metric system for 3 reasons: Easy and convenient because it is universal The rest of the world has been using it for the past 40 years conversions between units are easy, because everything is done in multiples of ten. 10, 100, 1000, 10000, etc. YOU FINISH!
The SI system was adopted by the scientific community around The SI system has seven base units one for each of the following: lengthmeter masskilogram timesecond electric currentampere temperatureKelvin amount of substancemole luminous intensitycandela
The metric system tells how many, And the SI system tells us of what!
-Length- The meter is the unit for length. We will always use the meter when discussing length. 1km-5 city blocks1000m 1mfloor to doorknob 1dmgrapefruit.1m 1cmbutton.01m 1mmwidth of dime.001m 1 m bacteria cell diameter m 1nm thickness of RNA m
-volume- Volume is the space occupied by matter. The SI unit for volume is meter cubed. The common unit of measure is the Liter. 1 liter = 1000 centimeters cubed. volume is dependent on temperature. (ex. ice) 1L a quart of milk 1mL20 drops of water.001L 1cmcube of sugar.001 L 1 Lcrystal of salt L
-Mass- Mass- quantity of matter an object contains Weight- measure of the pull of gravity of the earth on an object. Mass Weight Mass is measured in grams. The SI unit of mass is the kg. A kilogram is the mass of one liter of water at 4 C.
1kgsmall textbook1000g 1gdollar bill 1mg10 grains of salt.001g 1 gparticle of baking powder g
Sig. Figs. & Accuracy and Precision