Idaho HCBS Medicaid Provider Orientation Guide General Information: Part II Division of Medicaid An Introduction to Medicaid Programs for Home and Community Services Waiver Providers.
Idaho HCBS Medicaid Provider Orientation Guide, Part II CHAPTER 13 The Medicaid Aged and Disabled Waiver, (A&D) What is the Aged and Disabled Waiver? Who does the A&D Waiver Serve? What are the Eligibility Requirements? What Services are Available? What Provider Types Can Serve A&D Waiver Participants?
Idaho HCBS Medicaid Provider Orientation Guide, Part II CHAPTER 13, (Page 2) The Medicaid Aged and Disabled Waiver, (A&D) Aged and Disabled Waiver Additional Terms Agreement Training Quality Assurance Financial Stability Policies and Procedures
Idaho HCBS Medicaid Provider Orientation Guide, Part II CHAPTER 13, (Page 3) The Medicaid Aged and Disabled Waiver, (A&D) Transition of Participants Records/Reports Subcontractors
Idaho HCBS Medicaid Provider Orientation Guide, Part II CHAPTER 14 HCBS: Assistive Technology/Specialized Medical Equipment What is Assistive Technology? Who Does Assistive Technology Serve? What are the Eligibility Requirements? What are the Equipment Requirements? What Provider Types can Provide this Service?
Idaho HCBS Medicaid Provider Orientation Guide, Part II CHAPTER 15 HCBS: Home Modification What is Home Modification? What Examples May Home Modifications Include? What Does Home Modification Exclude? Where May Home Modification Take Place? What Provider Types can Perform Home Modification?
Idaho HCBS Medicaid Provider Orientation Guide, Part II CHAPTER 16 HCBS: Personal Emergency Response System, (PERS) What is a Personal Emergency Response System? Who is Eligible for a PERS? What are the Provider Qualifications for a PERS Provider?
Idaho HCBS Medicaid Provider Orientation Guide, Part II CHAPTER 17 HCBS: Home Delivered Meals What are Home Delivered Meals? Who is Eligible for Home Delivered Meals? What are the Provider Qualifications for Home Delivered Meals?
Idaho HCBS Medicaid Provider Orientation Guide, Part II CHAPTER 18 HCBS: Adult Day Care What is Adult Day Care? Who does Adult Day Care Serve? What are the Eligibility Requirements? What Services are Available? Adult Day Care Additional Terms Agreement Enrollment Criteria Space and Accommodations Requirement
Idaho HCBS Medicaid Provider Orientation Guide, Part II CHAPTER 19 Service Coordination for Personal Care Services What is Service Coordination? Who is Eligible for Service Coordination for PCS? What are the Functions of Service Coordination for PCS? What Services are Reimbursed What are the Provider Qualifications?
Idaho HCBS Medicaid Provider Orientation Guide, Part II CHAPTER 20 State Plan Personal Care Services What is State Plan Personal Care Services Who does the State Plan PCS Program Serve? What are the Eligibility Requirements? What Services are Available? PCS Also Provides the following:
Idaho HCBS Medicaid Provider Orientation Guide, Part II CHAPTER 21 Traumatic Brain Injury, (TBI), HCBS Waiver What is the TBI Waiver? Who Does the TBI Waiver Serve? What are the Eligibility Requirements? What Services are Available? What Provider Types Can Serve TBI Waiver Participants?
Idaho HCBS Medicaid Provider Orientation Guide, Part II CHAPTER 21, (Page 2) Traumatic Brain Injury, (TBI), HCBS Waiver TBI Waiver Additional Terms Agreement Training Quality Assurance Financial Stability Policies and Procedures
Idaho HCBS Medicaid Provider Orientation Guide, Part II CHAPTER 21, (Page 3) Traumatic Brain Injury, (TBI), HCBS Waiver Transition of Participants Records/Reports Subcontractors
Idaho HCBS Medicaid Provider Orientation Guide, Part II CHAPTER 22 Behavioral Health Care Management for Adults with Developmental Disabilities History Behavioral Health Care Mgt for Adults with DD What is a Developmental Disability? What Services are Available to Adults with D.D. Home and Community Based Services, (HCBS)
Idaho HCBS Medicaid Provider Orientation Guide, Part II CHAPTER 22, (Page 2) Behavioral Health Care Management for Adults with Developmental Disabilities What is the Developmental Disabilities Waiver? Who Does the DD Waiver Serve? What are the Eligibility Requirements? What Services are Available? Independent Assessment Providers
Idaho HCBS Medicaid Provider Orientation Guide, Part II CHAPTER 22, (Page 3) Behavioral Health Care Management for Adults with Developmental Disabilities What Provider Types can Serve DD Waiver Participants? Training for Residential Habilitation Providers Training for DD Agency Personal Training Targeted Service Coordinator/Plan Developer/Monitor
Idaho HCBS Medicaid Provider Orientation Guide, Part II CHAPTER 22, (Page 4) Behavioral Health Care Management for Adults with Developmental Disabilities Quality Assurance Departmental Quality Assurance Types of Quality Assurance Reviews Alternative Corrective Actions
Idaho HCBS Medicaid Provider Orientation Guide, Part II CHAPTER 22, (Page 5) Behavioral Health Care Management for Adults with Developmental Disabilities Cause for Termination Coordination with S/URs and Fraud and Abuse Unit Employment Service Providers
Idaho HCBS Medicaid Provider Orientation Guide, Part II CHAPTER 21 Certified Family Home, (CFH), Program What are Certified Family Homes? What are CFH Certification Requirements? What Services do CFH’s Provide? CFH Application Requirements