SCIENCE Center Grove Middle School North MEASUREMENT SCIENCE Center Grove Middle School North
Earliest System Of Measurements & Weights
Genesis 6:15 " The length of the Ark shall be three hundred cubits, the breadth of it fifty cubits, and the height of it thirty cubits." Span Foot
Bronze Age 3000 BC- 2500BC, people of Indus Valley , Egypt and Mesopotamia.
Indus Valley
Why do we need a uniform system of measurement?
Timeline of countries that changed over to the SI units of measurement. Identify the three countries that have not changed to this system. USA, Liberia, & Burma
Measurement Describe the world using numbers Types of Measurement include: Distance, time, speed, volume, mass… Measurement can also help describe events
Metric System Called the International System of Units or SI Decimal system based on 10’s Prefixes include: Milli (1/1000th) Deci (1/10th) Kilo (1000)
Metric System Used by scientists all over the world to measure length, volume, mass, weight, density, and temperature. King Hector Doesn’t Usually Drink Chocolate Milk KILO HECTO DEKA UNIT DECI CENTI MILLI
Precision and Accuracy Precision is the closeness of repeated measurements to each other. Accuracy is the closeness of a measured or derived data value to its true value. precise = repeatable accurate = true Discovery Video Clip
Precision and Accuracy Significant digits are necessary when calculating DON’T COUNT Zeros at the end of the number without a decimal (ex. 1300) OR Zeros at the beginning of a decimal (ex. 0.0025). Video Clip When adding or subtracting, use the smallest number of decimal places. Example: 4.587 + 3.1 7.687 Decimal places = 3 Decimal places = 1 Answer in significant digits = 7.7
Precision and Accuracy Scientific notation is used so large numbers are easier to understand. Move the decimal point until only 1 nonzero number remains on the left. Count the number of places you moved the decimal and use that number as a power of ten Examples: 85670000000 = 8.567 x 1010 0.00000045 = 4.5 x 10-7 43289 = 4.3289 x 104
Length Distance from one point to another METER (M) is the basic unit 1M = 100cm 1M = 1000mm 1km = 1000M
Volume Amount of space an object takes up Liter (L) is the basic unit of LIQUID volume Cubic centimeter (cm3) is the basic unit of SOLID volume
Mass Amount of matter in an object Gram (g) is the basic unit
Weight Amount of attraction between two objects due to gravity Newton (N) is the basic unit MASS AND WEIGHT ARE NOT THE SAME!
Density Mass per unit volume of a substance g/mL is the basic unit Formula: Density = Mass divided by Volume Density = g/mL Density of water is 1gram/milliliter If an object’s density is less then one it will float. If an object’s density is greater then one it will sink.
Temperature Measure of hotness and coldness Celsius (C°) is the basic unit Water freezes at 0° degree Celsius and boils at 100° degrees Celsius.