Socioeconomics knowledge cafe Wrap-up
Agreed the list of socioeconomic themes/issues that have dependencies with RWI research priorities Standardization Governance (?) Privacy, security and trust Legal implication sustainability, Usability Manageability Business value/roles/models Context definition/description RWI technology adoption
(re) defined the themes wrt RWI specificity (1/2) Standardisation - Open standards are key enablers for the success of the Internet of Things, as it is for any kind of machine to machine communication. Without clear and recognised standards such as the TCP/IP in the Internet world, the expansion of the Internet of Things beyond RFID solutions cannot reach a global scale. (EPOSS 2020). RWI needs multiple application standards and evolvable standards. Governance - One major issue for the adoption of RWI could be the absence of governance. Without an impartial governing authority it will be impossible to have a truly global Internet of Things, accepted by states, companies, trade organisations and the common people. (EPOSS 2020). Do we need a unique governance? Is it necessary to identify in a uniform/global way the devices connected to the RWI? Is it necessary to have a single governing authority for the InternetS of things. Is it possible to find a global agreement on this? Open question. Privacy, security and trust - privacy, security and trust will have to be adapted to both, the low complexity of the devices and the extremely sensitive information (data mining, mash-up of apparently non sensitive data) that will be made available. In order to ensure personal safety, privacy, and freedom, we will need to accompany the development of the Real World Internet with adequate security and privacy protections, both at the infrastructural and application layers. Horizontalisation: how to manage the permission to reuse the sensors/actors for different applications/users. Password protected tags/sensors? (there are heavy safety implications concerning actuation) Legal implication – it is important that legislation keeps up with technology so that citizens gain confidence in the new technology and will accept to live in the real world internet. In addition to research of current concerns, it is important to engage the wider public in a political debate and dialogue about the Internet of Things. (EPOSS 2020). Liability, who is responsible of the potential failure and impacts? What happens when you have an accident while using the RWI based technology. Whos fault?
(re) defined the themes wrt RWI specificity (2/2) Sustainability - Power consumption/Energy efficiency/Distributed harvested energy. Green technology: how FI will be developed and deployed by minimizing its impact on environment (low power, recyclable materials, and minimising/optimising wireless radiation). Recycling of sensor, actuators, RFIDs (recycling it when it is embedded in the devices/things you need to recycle). Usability : How the users will interact with the RWI applications when internet traditional interfaces will disappear and when the environment and all things will be potential internet interfaces. How to inform or not the user that he is connected to the internet when doing something, that he is sensed or even more that he is actuating some physical phenomena. When is it necessary to make conscious/unconscious the usage of RWI application. Do we have to think about new user interfaces to be integrated in the environment (not only screens everywhere). Manageability - Management in the context of RWI applications concerns information, resources, networks, and devices. Due to the heterogeneity of the infrastructure as well as the large number of different stakeholders, management will be effectively decentralized and how management is achieved will depend on factors like ownership, market models, etc. - Manageability includes keeping track of ownership, archiving, auditing and logging data, etc. We need to understand better the user requirements in terms of management. Business models/roles - Support existing and emerging business models; enable new players to enter commercial and non- commercial services without disrupting existing services and without jeopardizing their evolution. Understanding of what is required to realize RWI in a way that its services are attractive and can be produced at an acceptable cost and sold at an acceptable price. Understanding of the overall business environment, in which the RWI system will operate. How you sell the permission to user/reuse the sensors/actuors for different applications/users (horizontalisation)? Societal technology adoption: from a user point of view, RWI implies you will using Internet/technology without knowing you are using it. New internet experience, the real world internet experience. De facto user. SWAMY loss of control, dependency, exclusion, victimization. Barriers to adoption of RWI technology. Radiation issues and privacy. Societal risk.
Next ? Map the relationships between these themes (e.g. Privacy VS Legislation) Roadmap these research themes to understand their implications on RWI design priorities Compare these themes with the RWI research priorities in order to map the which themes are covered or not, and potential missing researches.