Autoliv Leadership Development 2 Welcome to: Supporting Diversity at Autoliv
Autoliv Leadership Development 3 High-Performance Leadership Leadership Behaviours Grows People Exhibits Integrity Promotes Teamwork Encourages Innovation Is Results Oriented Provides Clarity and Direction Supports Diversity Demonstrates Accountability Displays Enthusiasm Supports Global Strategies
Autoliv Leadership Development 4 Learning Outcomes 1.An improved understanding of diversity 2.An awareness of how to build a more inclusive workplace and leverage differences of all kinds 3.P ersonal action plans to support diversity and inclusion at Autoliv
Autoliv Leadership Development 5 Agenda SessionHeadingTime (minutes) 1 Welcome and Introductions 20 2 Country and Organisational Demographics 20 3 Definitions and Frameworks 30 4 Stereotypes and Perceptions 60 Break 10 5 Application of Learning 60 6 Action Planning 20 7 Summary 20 Total 240
Autoliv Leadership Development 6 Ground Rules Speak for yourself - use “I” statements Actively participate in the session Be open to new ideas Demonstrate mutual trust and respect Maintain confidentiality
Autoliv Leadership Development 7 The Iceberg of Culture
Autoliv Leadership Development 8 Diversity All the ways we differ. Diversity is the mosaic of people who bring a variety of backgrounds, styles, perspectives, values and beliefs as assets to the groups and organisations with which they interact. Recognising, respecting and accommodating human differences to create and sustain an environment where everyone can achieve his or her full potential. Inclusion Definitions
Autoliv Leadership Development 9 Four Layers of Diversity *Internal Dimensions & External Dimensions are adapted from Marilyn Loden & Judy Rosener. Workforce America! (Business One Irwin, 1991) From Diverse Teams at Work, Gardenswartz & Rowe (Irwin, 1995 ) Personality Age Location Level Ability Education RaceGender Culture Sexual Orientation Work Experience Appearance Parental Status Marital Status Income Habits Interest Religion Work Location Union Affiliation ManagementStatus Role Division/ Group Seniority Family Structure
Autoliv Leadership Development 10 Benefits Becoming an employer of choice Leveraging workforce to full potential Improving services Increasing markets and business growth Improving as an organisation
Autoliv Leadership Development 11 Barriers Managers/leaders holding all knowledge Negative evaluations Blame and criticism Power struggles Systemic discrimination Prejudice Parochialism
Autoliv Leadership Development 12 Perception
Autoliv Leadership Development 13 Perception
Autoliv Leadership Development 14 Perception
Autoliv Leadership Development 15 Ladder of Inference Senge et al, 1994 actions assumptions conclusions beliefs meanings “selected” data “observable” data
Autoliv Leadership Development 16 Eight Aspects of Diversity Age Culture Gender Mental/Physical Ability Organisational Role Race Religion Sexual Orientation
Autoliv Leadership Development 17 Strategies for Supporting Diversity Demonstrate self awareness. Inquire about other cultures. Vive la diffèrence. Educate yourself. Role model appropriate behaviour. Seek first to understand. Instigate diversity practices. Think the talk. Walk the talk. Talk the talk. You make the difference!