Thin Films Nanometrology CONANOMET Workshop, NPL 19Jul2010 Slide 1 Stakeholders (End-user) Manufacturers incorporating thin film deposition process steps (microelectronics, hard disk industry, surface coating companies (glass, optics…) …) Manufacturers of thin film deposition equipment Commercial suppliers of Thin films Corporate R&D centres Measurement and analysis equipment manufacturers Measurement and analysis service providers
Thin Films Nanometrology CONANOMET Workshop, NPL 19Jul2010 Slide 2 Stakeholders (Institutional) NMIs Standardisation organisations (national and industry sector (eg SEMI) Accreditation organisations National government & EC trade & industry departments / R&D funding agencies Universities/other state-supported research institutes Other organisations in the value chain (e.g. Euspen!)
Thin Films Nanometrology CONANOMET Workshop, NPL 19Jul2010 Slide 3 (Thin-film nanometrology gaps & challenges identified through CONANOMET) 1.Small area analysis (thin films on nano-objects or in patterned features) 2.Non-destructive depth profiling desirable (molecular info needed in some cases as well as elemental) 3.Need for techniques that can be applied in air and liquid 4.Characterisation of interfaces with nm resolution 5.3D imaging & metrology (eg tomography & FIB) 6.Porous & nanoparticle films present special challenges (what to measure as well as how to measure) 7.Rapid non-destructive techniques desirable (e.g. optical – promise of SE & interferometry…) 8.Measurement speed & (capital) cost often a barrier (e.g. TEM as a core nanometrology technique 9.Desire for in-line measurements (easy, fast, cheap) 10.More physical standards & reference materials 11.Take-up of best metrology practice by industry Emerging topics and priorities
Thin Films Nanometrology CONANOMET Workshop, NPL 19Jul2010 Slide 4 SWOT Analysis S Strong European thin film industry (deposition equipment and suppliers) Strong European measurement instrument manufacturing base Strong European NMI and academic R&D base W Relatively weak indigenous end-user manufacturing industry O Primary opportunity in thin film nanometrology is to encourage & accelerate development and introduction of new measurement instruments for benefit of European industry Secondary opportunity is to leverage European advances & infrastructure in measurement & deposition to improve competitiveness of European end-user manufacturing (especially SMEs) T Main threat is the strength of global competition in end-user manufacturing
Thin Films Nanometrology CONANOMET Workshop, NPL 19Jul2010 Slide 5 Vision/strategy for the next ten years (Top-level) 1.Encourage development of (new) techniques to fill gaps 2.Support for industry access to latest technique advances (NB this can take various forms) 3.Funded NMI-industry programmes to ensure take-up of best metrology practice by industry 4.Education/training 5.Up-to-date databases of capabilities 6.Consider metrology consultation & brokerage service to link problems with suitable providers
Thin Films Nanometrology CONANOMET Workshop, NPL 19Jul2010 Slide 6 Action Plan Short-term Resolve TEM thickness discrepancy Advance SEM & EDX thickness measurements Accelerate technique advances where Europe has a lead: He ion microscope; LEIS/MEIS; TOF-SIMS; SE; Interferometry Intertechnique comparisons Lay foundations for future Medium-term Solve issues describing and measuring porous & NP thin films Advance optical techniques Standards & verification – reference materials Uncertainty – role & control of surface Long-term Accessible 3D nanometrology (tomography / FIB / EM)
Thin Films Nanometrology CONANOMET Workshop, NPL 19Jul2010 Slide 7 Infrastructure needs 1.Easy-access to major facilities eg synchrotron / accelerator, especially for industry & SMEs 2.Establish centres or nodes allowing easy access to latest equipment advances (e.g. SEA scheme) 3.Does net instrument access help? 4.Mechanisms for improved reactive problem- solving 5.Cultural issues? 6.Education/training
Thin Films Nanometrology CONANOMET Workshop, NPL 19Jul2010 Slide 8 R&D strategies How best to promote competitive European manufacturing? Division between Universities, NMIs and industry? Intertechnique comparisons involving industry – promote understanding and best practice