Teaching and Learning Research Programme A Report of the TLRP Showcase of Post-Compulsory Projects, 25 June 2003.


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Presentation transcript:

Teaching and Learning Research Programme A Report of the TLRP Showcase of Post-Compulsory Projects, 25 June 2003

Teaching and Learning Research Programme A Report of the TLRP Showcase of Post-Compulsory Projects, 25 June 2003

Teaching and Learning Research Programme Teaching and Learning – could we do better? Andrew Pollard and Mary James Directors’ Team, TLRP

Teaching and Learning Research Programme Teaching and Learning – could we do better? Andrew Pollard and Mary James Directors’ Team, TLRP

Teaching and Learning Research Programme TLRP’s many independent, but interlocking and cumulative, research activities

Teaching and Learning Research Programme Aims Organisation (projects, phases, sectors, themes) Programme development The overarching challenge

Teaching and Learning Research Programme AIMS: Learning Outcomes Lifecourse Enrichment Expertise Improvement

Teaching and Learning Research Programme Aims: Learning Outcomes Lifecourse Enrichment Expertise Improvement

Teaching and Learning Research Programme ORGANISATION: Projects, by phases and by sectors Cross-cutting themes

/9 Phase I Phase II Scottish Extensions Phase III PROJECTS

/9 Phase I Phase II Scottish Extensions Phase III SECTORS Early Years education Primary education Secondary education Through schooling Further and post-16 education Higher education Workplace education CPD and Lifelong learning

Teaching and Learning Research Programme Further and post-16 education: How does policy impact on teaching, learning and assessment in post- 16 provision? What effects do organisational cultures have on learning in further education? Could learner careers be enhanced through community-based education? What everyday literacies might learners use in formal education, and with what effects?

Teaching and Learning Research Programme Higher education: Could we improve student outcomes if we understood teaching and learning better? With increasing diversity in HE, how do social and organisational factors affect students’ learning? Given widening participation, what is the experience of disabled students at university? We increasingly depend on specialists, but how does expertise develop? Does ‘problem-based learning’ really improve student learning?

Teaching and Learning Research Programme Workplace learning: Can workplace cultures be developed to improve learning outcomes? How do people learn at work and contribute to organizational performance? How do workers understand and develop skills in new technologies? Can adults’ basic skills be improved through workplace learning?

Teaching and Learning Research Programme CPD and lifelong learning: Beyond university, how do graduate professionals learn on-the-job? What are the particular needs of new teachers? Can learning with and from peers improve learning outcomes? How can professional agencies learn to work together to deliver public services? How can individuals’ learning be supported throughout the lifecourse? What is the significance of learning in people’s lives?

/9 Phase I Phase II Scottish Extensions Phase III THEMES User engagement Capacity building Neuroscience Learning outcomes Lifecourse International comparison Information technology Transformation and impact New Themes

/9 Phase I Phase II Scottish Extensions Phase III THEMES User engagement Capacity building Neuroscience Learning outcomes Lifecourse International comparison Information technology Transformation and impact New Themes

Teaching and Learning Research Programme PROGRAMME DEVELOPMENT: Early user engagement Knowledge generation by project teams Knowledge synthesis with thematic groups Knowledge transformation with users Outputs for impact

Teaching and Learning Research Programme Research outputs: Newsletters

Teaching and Learning Research Programme Research outputs: Events in association with policy-makers and key users Phase I Networks: Science Education: Royal Society, June 2003 Pupil Consultation: QCA, July 2003 Modern Apprenticeships: DfES, October 2003

Teaching and Learning Research Programme Research outputs: Research briefings

Teaching and Learning Research Programme Research outputs: Gateway books Improving Learning series (RoutledgeFalmer)

Teaching and Learning Research Programme Research outputs: Websites

Teaching and Learning Research Programme Research outputs: Databases

Teaching and Learning Research Programme THE OVERARCHING CHALLENGE ‘Doing better’ in using research to inform policy and practice. from TLRP’s projects, we expect findings on specific issues of contemporary significance; from TLRP as a whole, we aim for ‘added value’.

Teaching and Learning Research Programme Added value through: analysing key issues across the whole Programme; theorising general principles; identifying applications for policy and practice.

Teaching and Learning Research Programme ‘Social science should be at the core of public policy making.’ ‘In my field of education, and others, we want to work with social scientists on how we can do better.’ ‘I commit myself to trying to work with you.’ Rt Hon Charles Clarke, MP, Secretary of State for Education and Skills (ESRC Summer Reception, Millbank, 24 th June 2003)

Teaching and Learning Research Programme TLRP £26m, over nine years with thanks to HEFCE, Scottish Executive, National Assembly for Wales, Northern Ireland Executive, Department for Education and Skills – and ESRC. or 50p for each UK learner!

Teaching and Learning Research Programme Points from Post-16 and FE discussion group Key Sector issues and potential TLRP contributions:

Teaching and Learning Research Programme Points from HE discussion group Key Sector issues and potential TLRP contributions:

Teaching and Learning Research Programme Points from Workplace Education discussion group Key Sector issues and potential TLRP contributions:

Teaching and Learning Research Programme Points from Workplace Education discussion group Key Sector issues and potential TLRP contributions:

Teaching and Learning Research Programme Points from CPD and Lifelong Learning discussion group Key Sector issues and potential TLRP contributions: