European gateway on alcohol, drugs and addictions LIDA 2005 contribution Susanna Prepeliczay ARCHIDO University Bremen Gatewa y
ELISAD network ELISAD network European association of libraries and information services on alcohol and other drugs (AOD)European association of libraries and information services on alcohol and other drugs (AOD) 40 members from Europe and overseas: specialised libraries in addiction field, NGOs & GOV40 members from Europe and overseas: specialised libraries in addiction field, NGOs & GOV International sister: SALISInternational sister: SALIS
situation of AOD information interdisciplinarity in the AOD field multiple research disciplines: social sciences - policy, law, sociology, psychology... health sciences - medicine, biology, pharmacology... multiple practice contexts: prevention, therapy, education... Gateway
situation of AOD information structure of the www growth, fluctuation, increase of digital publishinggrowth, fluctuation, increase of digital publishing quality & ethics of web based info: validity, trustworthyness...quality & ethics of web based info: validity, trustworthyness... impact on access to digital information need for instrument & strategy to facilitate retrieval Gateway
project objectives establish a catalogue of AOD websites from all European countriesestablish a catalogue of AOD websites from all European countries create suitable methodology, instruments & technologycreate suitable methodology, instruments & technology provide metadata via online information system / interfaceprovide metadata via online information system / interface main users target group: health & AOD professionalsmain users target group: health & AOD professionals Gateway
gateway definition DESIRE example: access to relevant web sources (links)access to relevant web sources (links) access to English descriptions for multilingual materialsaccess to English descriptions for multilingual materials subject categories = ordering systemsubject categories = ordering system retrieval: browsing & searchingretrieval: browsing & searching
project process 2000 – 2001: explorative conceptional phase2000 – 2001: explorative conceptional phase 2002 – 2003: EC funded research phase2002 – 2003: EC funded research phase 2004: maintenance & development phase2004: maintenance & development phase 2005 – 2007: EC funded extension phase2005 – 2007: EC funded extension phase Gateway
principles networking strategynetworking strategy methodology frameworkmethodology framework instruments & tools & technologyinstruments & tools & technology distributed data collection / content administrationdistributed data collection / content administration online interface structure & functionsonline interface structure & functions Gateway
project participants I France: managementFrance: management Germany: Archido coordinationGermany: Archido coordination Italy: Gruppo AbeleItaly: Gruppo Abele United Kingdom: DrugscopeUnited Kingdom: Drugscope Czech Republic: SZUCzech Republic: SZU Sweden: CANSweden: CAN The Netherlands: Trimbos InstituutThe Netherlands: Trimbos Instituut EU agency: EMCDDAEU agency: EMCDDA Gateway
project participants II Spain: PNSD, MadridSpain: PNSD, Madrid Norway: SIRUS, OsloNorway: SIRUS, Oslo Ireland: HRB, DublinIreland: HRB, Dublin Finland: StakesFinland: Stakes Lithuania: CEEHRNLithuania: CEEHRN Greece: EKTEPN Univ. AthensGreece: EKTEPN Univ. Athens Poland: IPIN Univ. WarsawPoland: IPIN Univ. Warsaw Belgium: VADBelgium: VAD Gateway
networking group meetings & workshops 2x / year successive extension of project group next: Oslo, October 2005 networking with AOD experts & institutions on national level increase coverage by snowball systemnetworking with AOD experts & institutions on national level increase coverage by snowball system cross-European networking with EU bodies, NGO associations and projects e.g. PrevNet cooperationcross-European networking with EU bodies, NGO associations and projects e.g. PrevNet cooperation Gateway
networking contact with professional clients user consultation process by questionnaire surveys 1) professional information needs 2) test of pilot website & catalogueuser consultation process by questionnaire surveys 1) professional information needs 2) test of pilot website & catalogue project promotion & media flyers, journals, newsletters, websites, mass media, conferencesproject promotion & media flyers, journals, newsletters, websites, mass media, conferences Gateway
theoretical framework: review & analysis of existing projects and approaches Scope Policy definition of subject coverageScope Policy definition of subject coverage Selection Criteria quality of web sourcesSelection Criteria quality of web sources Cataloguing Guidelines formal criteria, language, typographyCataloguing Guidelines formal criteria, language, typography Maintenance Strategy updating process rulesMaintenance Strategy updating process rules methodology Gateway
instruments & tools: online input form formal data & qualitative content dataonline input form formal data & qualitative content data online edition tool administration of recordsonline edition tool administration of records offline tool: word form & help manualoffline tool: word form & help manual subject related AOD keywords indexsubject related AOD keywords index server database in MySQL, PHP scripts distributed cataloguingserver database in MySQL, PHP scripts distributed cataloguing methods / instruments Gateway
online form Gateway
offline tool: winputform Gateway
subject classification Gateway 9 AOD topic categories: psychoactive substances, prevention, research, therapy, policy....9 AOD topic categories: psychoactive substances, prevention, research, therapy, policy structural categories: environments, populations, types of information3 structural categories: environments, populations, types of information 350 english keywords350 english keywords double function: indexing (input) & browsing (output)double function: indexing (input) & browsing (output)
results ca websites from 32 countries identified & evaluatedca websites from 32 countries identified & evaluated total of 1200 catalogue records available to date 900 full records & 300 in progress records ca. 320 sources de-selected („black list“) online catalogue access: catalogue access: database functions: browsing by subject & country, free search & field oriented searchdatabase functions: browsing by subject & country, free search & field oriented search Gateway
gateway online interface Gateway
Gateway result list result list result filter result filter
next steps 2005 – 2007 EC funded work programme multilinguality: availability of keywords index & browsing structure in 16 European languagesmultilinguality: availability of keywords index & browsing structure in 16 European languages extension towards Eastern Europe networking & data inputextension towards Eastern Europe networking & data input wanted: members from Croatia, Bosnia, Serbia, Bulgaria, Romania... technology: improve online catalogue concept & functionstechnology: improve online catalogue concept & functions Gateway
the future... linkage to similar services: metadata exchanges with relevant catalogues in Europe maximise availability of AOD data within a network of online information services e.g. LinkShare Germany, SOSIG, EMCDDA databases (ELDD, QED, EDDRA) Gateway
the future... vision towards an integrated digital library on AOD: European database for digital fulltext docs (scientific grey literature, e- journals) meta search in various European bibliographic online catalogues on AOD contact us: Gateway