More creativity in solving problems. Greater innovation. Higher productivity. Better relationships with global customers. Targeted marketing campaigns. More customers. Greater profits. Larger talent pool of workers. Increased community involvement and support. Better communication. More supportive work environment.
Aging workers Immigrants Race Sex Disabilities Changing Families
The act, practice, or instance of making a difference in treatment or favor on a basis other than merit; the act of discriminating categorically or by group, rather than individually; the results of a prejudiced or prejudicial outlook, action, or treatment.
Stereotypes Often begins at home. Children observe attitudes and hear jokes and negative comments about “outsiders” Born of fear and ignorance
Disabilities-people fear the disable because of fear they might become disable themselves. Sex-men and women must treat each other as equals, avoiding inappropriate touching, jokes, or offensive comments. Age-never hold misguided beliefs about people of different ages. Race-unfamiliarity and fear can lead to conflicts on the job.
1. How can an employer help workers to diminish stereotypical beliefs? 2. What can employees do to overcome stereotypes on the job? 3. How can a company reduce communication barriers among workers? 4. Describe ways that language or culture can affect communication 5. What kinds of problems might young and old workers face when working together on a team assignment? 6. How can a non-disabled worker prepare to work on a team with a worker who is disabled?