MINISTRY OF HEALTH REPUBLIC OF LITHUANIA Can new Member States leap-frog the eHealth revolution? Mrs. Vita Sinicienė Head of Information technology Division October 5, 2005
2 Steps toward eHealth Assessment of current situation (2003) eHealth strategy (2004) Feasibility study (Roadmap) (2005) Implementation (2005 – 20XX )
3 Background
4 Background Information flows, needs assessment, information gaps analysis and recommendations for the improvement, March 2000 Evaluation of Needs for Health Information and the Information Systems/Technologies Infrastructure at All the Levels of Health Care“, March 2003
5 Goals of National e-Health Strategy Improve citizen’s access to information Better quality healthcare services to patients Improve physicians access to reliable and comprehensive information about patient Develop information exchange system between HCI Improve capabilities to obtain reliable information for management and planning
6 FS – success factors Best practices of eHealth projects in EU Openness and interoperability based on international standards (CEN, ISO) Development of harmonized local and national solutions and infrastructure Active participation of all stakeholders Competitive eHealth market
7 Main purpose: Patient – Centric Healthcare process Patient GP Specialists Hospitals Aftercare Date: ID …. Electronic Patient Record Jonas Jonaitis
8 Main aims Involve patient in health care process Ensure continuity of care Empower GP as gateway to health care Provide access to common information Implement information exchange
9 Roadmap
10 Lithuanian eHealth System Implementation Roadmap Stage 1: Creation of the national eHealth core Stage 2: Setup of the national level of eHealth system and pilot of 4 functions Stage 3: Implementation of remaining functions of the national level eHealth system Stage 4&5: deployment of eHealth system functions in HCIs, automation of HCIs internal functions
11 Stage 1&2: Creation & Setup of the national eHealth system core Building a core – define and realize : Registries & Classifiers Security: safety, confidentiality, identification and authorization principles Information exchange: messaging principles & standards, interfaces. Realize 4 pilot functions: Focus on Primary Healthcare level automation
12 4 pilot functions Registration and exchange of patient visits, clinical and administrative data Creation of referrals for consultation / treatment and results reception Creation of referrals for diagnostics and results reception Registration for an appointment
13 Execution International tender (WB funding): May 1st, 2005 Winner announced and Contract signed: August 18, 2005 Stage 1 & 2 planned completion: May, 2006 (symbolic 9 months )
14 High-level eHealth view (based on vendor proposal)
15 Steps until 2008 Stage 3: Implementation of remaining functions of the national level eHealth system Stage 4&5: deployment of eHealth system functions in HCIs, automation of HCIs internal functions
16 Other national functions PACS e-Prescriptions Methodological support Data analysis and statistics Emergency services Telemedicine
year Continuity of care 100 % supported by interoperable National eHealth system Preparedness 100 % for data exchange with relevant systems within EU Improved quality and accessibility - satisfied and healthier patient