Colonial America
The Original 13 Colonies
The Original 13 Colonies
Reasons People Came to the New World Religious Freedom Trade/Farming Debtor Haven
Religious Freedom Pilgrims 1620 Puritans 1630 Connecticut 1636 Rhode Island 1638 Maryland 1634 (Catholic colony) Pennsylvania 1681(Quakers)
Trade and/or Farming NH NY NJ Jamestown, Virginia 1607 DEL NC SC
Debtor Haven Georgia 1733
3 Regions: New England Middle Colonies Southern Colonies
New England Colonies Massachusetts Connecticut Rhode Island New Hampshire
Middle Colonies New York Pennsylvania New Jersey Delaware
Southern Colonies Maryland Virginia North Carolina South Carolina Georgia
Climate - bitterly cold winters, mild summers, short growing season (and rocky soil) Settlements – small towns, mainly on the coast, created harbors and ports for trade
Resources – forested lands, abundant fish Economy – shipbuilding, fishing, part of Triangular Trade
Triangular Trade
The Middle Passage This plan above of a slave ship shocked the public when it appeared in 1789. It shows how 482 slaves could be packed on board the Brookes of Liverpool for the 6 to 8 week voyage to the West Indies. The Brookes actually carried 609 slaves on one voyage.
Middle Colonies Climate – warmer summers=longer growing season Settlements - on coast or large rivers, large cities on harbors -- New York (the Dutch) and Philadelphia
Middle Colonies Resources – land for growing cash crops The “Breadbasket” of America Resources – land for growing cash crops Economy – cash crops- fruits, vegetables & grains
Southern Colonies Climate – long growing season, warm weather and plentiful rainfall Resources – rich soil, flat land for large crops
Southern colonies Settlements - mainly on large plantations Economy – tobacco, rice, indigo, and cotton crops (raised using slave labor
Settlers: 250,000 (1700) to 2,500,000 (1775) Slaves: 28,000 to 500,000 Population Increase Settlers: 250,000 (1700) to 2,500,000 (1775) Slaves: 28,000 to 500,000
Colonies Quiz #1: Which colonies were known as the “Breadbasket” colonies? The Middle Colonies: Pennyslvania, New York, Delaware, Maryland
Colonies Quiz #2: Which colony was created for a different reason than the others? Georgia, as a refuge for debtors.
Colonies Quiz New England #3: The Pilgrims and Puritans settled in which region of the colonies? New England
Colonies Quiz New England #4: Which region of the colonies was LEAST suited to the use of slave labor? New England
13 Colonies