Chapter 2 Vocabulary 1.Boycott 2.Cash Crops 3.Delegate 4.Democracy 5.Direct Democracy 6.Dissenters 7.Duties 8.Economy 9.Indentured Servants 10.Legislature 11.Limited government 12.Liberty 13.Natural Rights 14.Plantations 15.Proclamation 16.Repeal 17.Representative democracy 18.Republic 19.Smuggling 20.Social Contract
Monday’s Exit Slip What is one vocabulary word that you have never seen (or used often) before? Use that word in a sentence.
Chapter 2 Lesson 1 Influences on American Colonial Government
Foundations of Democracy 1776 Independence from Great Britain 1788 adoption of the US Constitution
Ancient Democracy Jewish Religion – Judaism teaches that every person has worth and its equal before the law Athens – 400 B.C. became the first democracy – Free men over 18 were considered citizens and could take part of the assembly – Direct Democracy-people govern themselves – Representative democracy- people chose leaders to govern them (Republic) Romans – First republic – Government was put in hands of a senate (patricians) – Patricians elected two members (consuls) they had to agree Veto Powers “ I forbid!”
English Influence Magna Carta-limited king’s power – Established Limited Government – Legislature England had a strong monarchy but by 1625 King Charles I dismissed Parliament – Parliament then made him sign the Petition of Rights (limits kings powers)
English Bill of Rights Page 43 Read as a class
Influence of the Enlightenment Emphasized reason and individualism (science and logic) gave people more knowledge and understanding than tradition and religion Thinkers (pg 45- copy down chart into your notes add Machiavelli and information below) Machiavelli- The Prince Belief- Safer for a ruler to be feared than loved Hobbes- Social Contract Locke- Two Treaties of Government– natural rights Rousseau- The Social Contract Montesquieu – Separation of Powers Voltaire- Liberty
Machiavelli HobbesLocke RousseauMontesquieuVoltaire
Bell Ringer Wednesday Choose one Enlightenment thinker – What idea/belief do you think was the most important to influence our U.S. Constitution – Why?
First Colonial Government Jamestown 1 st permanent English settlement Est Virginia Company asked King James I to send supplies and settlers Ruled by governor and a council 1619 Company allowed the colony to make their own laws – Elected leaders (House of Burgesses) – Beginning of self government and representative government in America The Mayflower Compact 1620 the Mayflower landed in Plymouth Massachusetts Drew up a Compact – An agreement or contract Chose leaders and worked together to make their own laws for the colony Agreed to obey the laws Direct Democracy
Wednesday Exit-Slip Create your own government – Where would you settle? – What are 5 rules you would enforce? – Who would be ruler? – How would the ruler be chosen? – 2 Extra characteristics of your government