Tues. 2/15 (Jonathan’s first observation – see Henry VIII ppt for full warm-up) What impression of Henry do you get from this picture?
Monday, 2/14/2011 Imagine you are part of an isolated society that has no particular religious beliefs. Outline a creation story that describes your tribe’s beliefs about how the earth was made.
Creation Stories Create a T-chart in your notes and compare the two Creation Stories that you read: Biblical (Genesis) and Pan Gu and Nü Wa (China). Pan Gu and Nü Wa Biblical
Monday, 2/14/2011 Imagine you are part of an isolated society that has no particular religious beliefs. Outline a creation story that describes your tribe’s beliefs about how the earth was made. Due Tuesday, 2/15
Ticket Out The Door - 2/14 On your ticket, please note one new term and definition or new idea and an explanation that you learned today. Hand it to me as you go out the door! Put your name on it!
Friday, 2/11/2011 Please get out for review your questions from Ch. 1, Sec. 3 that you answered in class/homework yesterday.
Thursday, 2/10/11 Have a seat – we will adjust seats in a little bit. Take out a piece of paper. It can be a piece of scrap paper – nothing fancy. We will be going to the library computer lab to take a survey once attendance is taken.
Then click on the “student survey” link and follow the process from there.
Wednesday, 2/09/11 Review your notes in preparation for the test. We will go over any questions you may have prior to testing.
Tuesday, 2/08/11 Please pick-up a review sheet in the bin up front. Check-out the terms and people – who or what do you know?
Monday, 2/07/11 Finish your packet from Friday that reviews Ch. 1, Sections 2 and 5 (reading and quiz) Sec. 2 Renaissance Moves North Sec. 5 Scientific Reasoning
Friday, 2/04/11 Please get out your questions from Ch. 1, Sec. 2 (Renaissance Moves North) and Sec. 5 (Scientific Revolution).
Wed., 2/02/11 Please drop off the Renaissance Individual project in the bin on Mrs. Parker’s desk. Please pick-up a sheet titled “Four Characteristics of Renaissance Art”
Monday, 1/31/11 Please get out your outline for Ch. 1 Sec. 1 that we started on Friday.
Friday, 1/28/11 Please get out a blank piece of notebook paper.
Who are these guys?
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Leonardo – blue mask Donatello – purple mask Raphael – red mask Michaelangelo – orange mask
What else do you know about the Renaissance? Brainstorm some ideas with your neighbor!
What was life like before the Renaissance?
Wednesday, 1/26/11 On a blank sheet of paper, list 10 unique and different questions you could ask someone in order to learn more about them.
? ? ? ? ? ? ? Where were you born? Favorite ice cream flavor? Been out of the USA? Favorite amusement park ride? Broken any bones? Speak any languages besides English? If you could be any animal, what would it be?
Tues., 1/25/11 Good Morning and Welcome Back! Please drop off the paperwork signed by your parent/guardian in the bin on Mrs. Parker’s desk. Also, please drop off the Intro Essay in the second bin.