Luther posted the Ninety-Five Theses on October 31, ________.
What edict declared Luther a heretic and ordered his works burned?
The Edict of Worms
Name the scholar of the Northern Renaissance that published the first printed edition of the Greek New Testament.
Desiderius Erasmus
The first printed English translation of the New Testament was done by ______________.
William Tyndale
Where did Luther hide as Knight George?
Wartburg Castle
According to the Catholic church, what excused a person from penance or purgatory?
What was the site of Luther’s Ninety-five Theses, which sparked the Reformation?
Ulrich Zwingli was a Protestant leader in the Swiss city of _______.
The Important Christian work Institutes of the Christian Religion was written by ________________.
John Calvin
________________’s famous hymn is “A Mighty Fortress Is Our God.”
What Protestant reformer is most known for his work in Geneva?
John Calvin
Who was Menno Simons? A) Anabaptist preacher B) Renaissance scholar C) Catholic theologian D) English explorer
A) Anabaptist preacher
Which of the following would be most true regarding Martin Luther? A) Luther realized that man is saved by faith in Christ, not by works or man-made systems of grace. B) Luther desired to dissolve the Catholic Church and begin his own denomination, the Lutherans. C) Luther believed that church services must be more elaborate in order to properly worship God. D) Luther was not a strong promoter of education since the masses would only distort the true Word of God
A) Luther realized that man is saved by faith in Christ, not by works or man-made systems of grace.