Welcome to 3rd Grade Curriculum Night 2014-15 Welcome to 3rd Grade Curriculum Night 2014-15 **Your child has written you a letter. Please feel free to write back to them during this presentation.
Daily Schedule 8:20- 8:40 Attendance/Pledge 8:30- 9:15 Spalding/Grammar 9:15- 10:20 Daily 5/Reading/Writing *snack & Bathroom Break Days 2, 3, 5, & 6 10:30-11:00/Day 1 11:10-11:40 11:00-11:40 Reading/Writing 11:40-12:10 Social Studies/Science 12:15-12:35 Lunch 12:35-12:55 Recess 1:10-1:55 Saxon Math 1:55-2:40 Math Enrichment 2:40 Clean up/Pack up 2:50 Dismissal
Specials Day 1 – Library 11:10-11:40 Day 2 – PE 10:30-11:00 Day 3 –Music 10:30-11:00 Day 4 – Mystery Reader/Computers Day 5 – PE 10:30-11:00 Day 6 – Music 10:30-11:00
Spelling Practice spelling on Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday Thursday spelling word focus Friday- spelling test Spelling Homework page will be in binder
Accelerated Reader (AR) Content and length of books are just as important as book color Students are expected to maintain their percent correct at 90% or higher Renaissance Place online Wide variety of book choices; check online for books within in your child’s reading range Home Connect
Journeys, Literature Studies, Read Aloud books, Leveled Readers Reading Journeys, Literature Studies, Read Aloud books, Leveled Readers Vocabulary development Develops comprehension skills through the five mental actions: monitoring comprehension, making connections, predicting, reformatting, summarizing Students are encouraged to refer back to the story to look for the answers on the reading test.
Math Students have one math book that travels between school and home most evenings. Problems are copied from the book onto homework paper. Students must show work. Students need to use the homework paper to maintain neatness. Common Core Math Standards will also be implemented throughout the year. Multiplication (15 weeks) Fractions (7 weeks) Geometry and Measurement (5 weeks) Number Sense (8 weeks)
Science/Social Studies Aligned to state standards Class science fair project will be in the winter Student are assigned an individual science and social studies book to use in class
Oscar Worthy Performance Our class expectations If you change your card to Oscar Worthy Performance, Mrs. Hight will place a sticker or stamp in your agenda! Your behavior exceeded my expectations Making a good choices will allow you to change your card to Bravo! Bravo! You will begin each day on “On the Red Carpet” which means you are ready to learn. If you receive a warning, you will change your card to Take One! If you receive two warnings, you will change your card to Take Two! Oscar Worthy Performance Bravo! Bravo! On the Red Carpet Take One! Take Two!
Homework Parents check homework for completion and accuracy and then sign off on the agenda. Only accept their best! Please do not sign ahead of time Missing or incomplete homework is completed during lunch Study Hall. Homework includes minimum of 20 minutes of reading per night. Homework is checked daily and is randomly graded, so it is important that parents review their child’s work for accuracy.
Detention/Study Hall Detention is given for incomplete homework/ class work, inappropriate behavior. Study Hall is offered for students who were absent and missed quizzes or tests, need to correct/redo a test/quiz, or need to make up class work
Weekly Folders Student papers get sent home on Friday. Please review graded papers and discuss them with your child. A weekly reflection will be completed in class. Please review, sign and return it.
Grades Papers with a score will be recorded in the grade book and placed in Friday folders. Report cards are given at the end of each quarter. You can check your students grades online anytime! Please give me 1-2 weeks to enter grades.
Absences Please try to schedule all appointments and vacations outside of school hours. Fridays are test days and it is important for your child to be present Make up work will be given to your child when absent and they will be given 1 day for every day absent to complete.
Communications Schoolwide Newsletter will no longer be emailed. It is only available on our school’s website (please register ASAP) www.CTAFreedom.com Grade level newsletters will be available online as well. (Please continue to help us save money and go green with less paper copies!)
Birthdays All treats must be store bought. District policy states that treats are individually wrapped for health reasons. If drinks are provided, they must be clear liquids. Please notify the teacher to give notice about birthday treats that will be sent in. Please bring in “nut free” items
Useful AR Links If your child has a book and they’re not sure if it's an AR book, look it up under AR Book Find: http://www.arbookfind.com Folett Destiny can give you access to the Library Catalog of books. This is helpful for helping your child develop a booklist of books they would like to read. It also lists the book's AR book level and points. http://destiny.chandler.k12.az.us/ Keep track of your child's AR reading and goals, through HomeConnect. To register you will need your child's username and password. Most students know their AR username and password by heart.https://hosted153.renlearn.com/254902/HomeConnect/Login.aspx
Other Business Class Directory Contacting Me - Email is best Box Tops Volunteers Pick up procedures Lunch (A/B Schedule) Healthy Snacks Water Bottle High Heat – 105 heat index, students stay inside August Conference- Sign up Genius Infinite campus
Thank you for coming!