Alcohol Chapter 7
Alcohol and Nutrition Public service announcement!Public service announcement! Unlike glycerol, ethanol is a drug!Unlike glycerol, ethanol is a drug!
Alcohol in Beverages ModerationModeration –A drink –Proof
Alcohol in Beverages
Alcohol in the Body Alcohol dehydrogenaseAlcohol dehydrogenase Alcohol: Males vs. femalesAlcohol: Males vs. females
Alcohol in the Body
Alcohol Arrives in the Liver AcetaldehydeAcetaldehyde Alcohol abuseAlcohol abuse NADNAD
Alcohol Disrupts the Liver Fatty liverFatty liver
Alcohol Disrupts the Liver FibrosisFibrosis CirrhosisCirrhosis
Alcohol Disrupts the Liver MEOS = microsomal ethanol- oxidizing systemMEOS = microsomal ethanol- oxidizing system Alcohol saturation leads to competitive exclusion of other things like drugs...Alcohol saturation leads to competitive exclusion of other things like drugs... Excess whiskey + drugs=drug O.D.Excess whiskey + drugs=drug O.D.
Alcohol Arrives in the Brain Narcotic effectsNarcotic effects Effect on ADHEffect on ADH –depresses activity—you urinate more! –leads to thirst, dehydration –advice, drink two glasses of water before bed, regardless of what you’ve had (or how much).
kCal in Alcoholic Beverages & Mixers, cont’d
Alcohol’s effects on the Brain
Alcohol & Malnutrition Nutrient displacementNutrient displacement Interference with nutrient metabolismInterference with nutrient metabolism
Alcohol & Malnutrition AlcoholismAlcoholism Wernicke-Korsakoff syndrome-Wernicke-Korsakoff syndrome- –paralysis of eye muscles, impaired muscle movement, etc. –chronic abuse of alcohol leads to B vitamin deficiency! Oops!
Alcohol’s Short-Term Effects SuicideSuicide HomicideHomicide AccidentsAccidents
Alcohol’s Short-Term Effects AssaultAssault Sexual assaultSexual assault
Alcohol’s Short-Term Effects
Alcohol’s Long-Term Effects Alcohol and pregnancyAlcohol and pregnancy Heavy alcohol consumptionHeavy alcohol consumption
Alcohol’s Long-Term Effects
Personal Strategies Social aspectsSocial aspects Consumption strategyConsumption strategy MythsMyths