Unit Calendar: The 1920s (Day 1 of 4) Day 1: The “Roaring” Twenties Warm-up: Photo / quote of the day and journal response Major Activities: Pre-assessment quiz (multiple-choice, short answer). 5 points for completion. Powerpoint presentation / lecture, ‘Liberal’ culture of the 1920s »Consumerism »Sports and recreation »Expanding role of women in society »Harlem Renaissance Harlem Renaissance close reading activity (interpreting Richard Wright poetry) Assignment: Second poem analysis due on Day 4
Unit Calendar: The 1920s (Day 2 of 4) Day 2: Cultural Conservatism of the 1920s Warm-up: Photo / quote of the day and journal response Major Activities: Powerpoint presentation / lecture, “Cultural conservatism” –“return to normalcy” –Lost Generation –Prohibition –Nativism, isolationism, and the Red Scare »KKK Video Clip: Birth of a Nation (1915) Conservatism in the Courts: Jigsaw and Class Presentations –Schenck v. U.S. (1919)—upheld Espionage Act of 1917 limiting free speech –Gitlow v. New York (1919) –Sacco and Vanzetti (1927) –Scopes Monkey Trial (1925)
Unit Calendar: The 1920s Day 3 of 4 Day 3: Concept-Formation Warm-up: Journal response to political cartoon Major Activities: Concept-formation lesson on Isolationism –Exercise in practical application (individual worksheet) Concept-formation lesson on Nativism –Exercise in practical application (group worksheet) Assignments: Finish isolationism worksheet (if necessary) Poem analysis due tomorrow Study for quiz / blog post tomorrow
Unit Calendar: The 1920s (Day 4 of 4) Day 4: Assessment Warm-up: Political cartoon analysis (as review) Major Activities: –Review of assignments due today (as review for quiz) –Quiz, Part One (20 points): 1920s culture (short answer, matching, m/c) –Quiz, Part Two (20 points, blog post via mobile lab): In what ways were the 1920s an era of extreme conservatism, and in what ways was it an era of considerable liberalism? »2-3 paragraphs per response »Rubric provided »Quiz worth, in sum, 40 of 100 total test points for unit Assignments: None
Unit Calendar: The Great Depression (Day 1 of 1) Day 1: Causes of the Great Depression Warm-up: Photo / Quote of the day with journal response Major Activities: Powerpoint-lecture, “The business cycle and its failures” »The business cycle »Overproduction »Overspeculation The Stock Market Game: The Crash of 1929 Assignment: None
Unit Calendar: The New Deal (1 of 5) Day 1: Government Intervention in the New Deal Warm-up: Journal response to “fireside chat” Major activities: Powerpoint presentation, “Political Foundations of the New Deal” »Constitutional privilege (or lack thereof) for gov’t. intervention »Introduction to the distinctions between relief, recovery, and reform “Alphabet agency” jigsaw research activity (groups of 5) »Public Works Administration »Civilian Conservation Corps »Tennessee Valley Authority »Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation Assignment: None
Unit Calendar: The New Deal (Day 2 of 5) Day 2: Culture of the Depression / New Deal Warm-up: Response to Depression-era song (journal entry) Major Activities: Powerpoint-assisted presentation, “Culture of the Depression / New Deal” »Diversity of life under the Depression »Impact of the media »International interactions (Central Question) »Literature »Entertainment Film analysis activity (Modern Times, The Wizard of Oz, The Grapes of Wrath) Discussion of Format for Socratic Seminar for tomorrow »Documents based on answering the central question, “ What is the appropriate role of the government to play in regulating the economy?” Assignment: Read and annotate the documents on which tomorrow’s Socratic Seminar is based!
Unit Calendar: The New Deal (3 of 5) Day 3: Socratic Seminar: What is the Government’s Role in Regulating the Economy? Warm-up: Political cartoon journal response Major Activities: Socratic Seminar on the government’s role in regulating the economy Jeopardy! (Review of content knowledge via web-based program) Assignment: None.
Unit Calendar: The New Deal (4 of 5) Day 4: A Welcomed Interruption / Assessment Preparation Warm-up: Quote of the day / journal reflection Major Activities: Inquiry Lesson: What ended the Great Depression? (Article-based discussion, small groups, whole-group) Essay Workshop: Discussion of final examination, rubric, allow students to outline and ask questions about response for the closed-book examination next class period Assignments: Prepare for Quiz!
Unit Calendar: The New Deal (5 of 5) Day 4: Assessment Warm-up: None. Major Activities: Test, Part One: (30 points, 45 minutes): matching, short-answer, m/c Test, Part Two: Analytical Essay (30 points, 45 minutes) “To what extent was the New Deal successful in addressing the problems of Great Depression?” »Rubric provided ahead of time »3-4 paragraphs expected for response »Quiz worth, in sum, 60 of 100 total test points for unit Assignment: None.