April 16, 2012 Please get the handouts off the counter! Then, get a textbook!
REMINDERS!!!! Vocab packets will be due on Friday! You will have a quiz that day, as well! Turn in your high school enrollment verification forms to the tray today! If you don’t have them, get to me ASAP! EOI testing begins this week for different classes, so please make sure all phones, iPods, etc. are put away before class starts. Otherwise, I will take them to Mitchell! Get in the habit now!
Where does CHANGE begin? What is the first to making a change? Does it start with complaining? Does it start with protesting? Or does it start inside of each of us? We are going to listen to a song today by Michael Jackson that looks at the idea of where change should begin! As you listen, follow along with the lyrics! Then, begin answering the questions on the back to truly decide where you think change begins! This will put us in the right mindset as we begin to think about our next protest movement!
Civil Rights Movement: We are now going to move onto another emotionally charged protest movement that occurred in the US during the same time as the Vietnam Protest. The Civil Rights Movement that occurred in the United States slowly built up after the Civil War due to many privileges denied to black Americans. One of the key movements to aid Civil Rights leaders was the Harlem Renaissance, a result of the many advances that were going in Black American art, culture, movement and literature during the Harlem Renaissance. One of the most influential writers of this time was Langston Hughes – you will be reading his poem, “Theme for English B,” today in class.