How did this happen to Me Student management can be the toughest job in the world if you are not prepared to have a positive attitude. Your drivers thought they knew everything about children and all they had to do was talk to them once and they would respond. They thought school bus driving was a cinch.
TOOLS Patience Confidence Attitude Consistency Authority Persistence Student Names Seating Charts Respect
Patience Calm--Composed--Steady--Stable This is what children want the driver to be. Take the time, don’t be in a hurry, explain why. Listen– Don’t lecture– Don’t be condescending. Show interest, never raise your voice when angry. Be understanding, it comes with the job. And never ever forget you were once a child.
Confidence Heart--Backbone--Faith in Oneself They know what is right—so do it. Lead by example. Say what you mean and mean what you say. They must believe that, they can make a difference in a students life. Be the one to make the rules. Keep your word. Be observant and pay attention.
Attitude Belief—Philosophy—Frame of Mind Be positive. You reap what you sow. Be upbeat, ask questions, respect their answers even if you don’t agree. Greet your students every day. You may be in a rotten mood, but you can not let them know it. Smile– Like you really mean it, it won’t hurt you. A Positive Attitude is like a suit of finely crafted armor—It helps protect you.
Authority Domineering--Absolute--Reliable It’s ok to take charge of your bus. Don’t say something you know you can’t enforce. Walk the aisle to see that the rules are being obeyed. Choose your battles, don’t let something bother you that you can’t change. They can’t be their buddy, but they can give them the positive attention when they need it. Understand your boundaries and don’t go beyond them.
Persistence Tenacious--Steadfast--Determined Make sure your drivers tell their students up front what they expect of them– then make sure it is done that way. Don’t be caught off guard–-be prepared. They may have to tell their students something more than once–- that’s OK, it won’t hurt them a bit. Expect it. Enforce the rules every day, not just when they feel like it. Always say what you’re going to do.
Names Bill—Sue--George--Sally What’s in a name? Everything. It shows respect. It’s what makes them respected by others. It shows you care. It’s the only label you can give a person that doesn’t offend them. IT’S EVERYTHING.
Seating Charts It’s what you put their names on. It’s required—a must—can’t do without it-- their best friend—greatest thing since pop corn– the eighth wonder of the world– it gives them a place to write down all those names they have learned.
Respect Esteem—Honor—Regard This is the big one, folks—pay attention. Give it and you shall receive it. SIMPLE!
How To Use Your New Tools Some assembly required Take a little Confidence, mix in some Patience, add a pinch of Authority, stir in a Positive Attitude, fold in a large amount of Respect until you have a Consistent blend. After this has been done and you feel better about yourself, add your Student Names to a Seating Chart and mix with the above ingredients and bake until you see an improvement in your students behavior or your blood pressure drops and your eyes stop bulging out of your head. Best served with a dose of humility.
Conclusion Same tools that you have used in your life. Driver buy in. How to train drivers and attendants. Questions?