Note Set 7
Color is the element of art derived from reflected light
Color has three properties: Hue, Value, Intensity Hue- the name of a color Value- the darkness or lightness of a color Intensity- Brightness or Dullness of a hue
These properties of color change as an object gets further away.
This is due to atmospheric perspecitve.
So to make something look further away, you can change the properties of the color. You can make the colors less intense, more blue, and a lighter value.
You can also give the feeling of depth by adding less detail to the items that are further away.
Another way to create the feeling of depth on a flat surface is the use of linear perspective.
In Medieval times, drawings looked flat.
Filippo Brunelleschi isconsidered to be the father of modern perspective Then, in or shortly before 1413, an engineer and architect, named Brunelleschi invented a method of giving a natural appearance of depth in flat pictures
Brunelleschi was a well known architect of the Italian Renaissance.
The horizon line is where the ground and sky seem to meet. A vanishing point is a point in the distance where receding parallel lines seem to meet. Converging lines (Vanishing Lines) lead our eye into the vanishing point.