1 Mercury Storage Project Desiree M. Narvaez Mercury and other metals programme Chemicals Branch DTIE United Nations Environment Programme.


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Presentation transcript:

1 Mercury Storage Project Desiree M. Narvaez Mercury and other metals programme Chemicals Branch DTIE United Nations Environment Programme

2 Mercury is an element… …cannot be broken down, degraded, destroyed toxic and volatile poses unique environmental management challenges require different approaches from those used of other toxic chemicals and waste

3 GC Decision 23/9 (2005) Requested a report on the supply, trade and demand for mercury on the global Called for Partnerships as one approach to reducing risks to human health and the environment from the release of mercury and its compounds to the environment. GC Decision 24/3 (2007) The options of enhanced voluntary measures and new or existing legally binding instruments will be reviewed Identified 7 priorities including  To find environmentally sound storage solutions of mercury

4 GC Decision 25 (2009) Requests the Executive Director to convene an intergovernmental negotiating committee with the mandate to prepare a global legally binding instrument on mercury, commencing its work in 2010 with the goal of completing it by 2013; OEWG second half of 2009 Further requests the Executive Director coordinating as appropriate with… the Global Mercury Partnership, and concurrently with the work on the INC, to continue and enhance, as part of the international action on mercury, the existing work, in the following areas: (a)Enhancing capacity for mercury storage

5 Need for long term safe mercury storage Decommissioned chlor alkali cells Mercury by product from mining (e.g.non-ferrous metal mining such as zinc smelting) End of life mercury containing products Objective: prevent reentry to the global market « Storage »- tool to reduce demand Repository and terminal storage facility -Isolate the mercury indefinitely -current initiatives in EU and US

6 Closure of chlor alkali plants shift to non mercury technology

7 Mercury by product from mining non-ferrous metal mining such as zinc smelting

8 End of life products containing mercury (ban/phase-out)

9 Project components: Estimation of projected mercury surplus Options to establish a safe long term storage facility and criteria for selection of options:costs and benefits, social and political acceptability, technical and environmental factors, public health, infrastructure and regulatory requirements) Creation of a regional advisory group: represented by an Executive Committee - catalyze action, recommend appropriate legislation/policies consistent with the establishment of a long term storage terminal facility

10 Underground facility: geological formation

11 Above ground storage facility

12 Project components: Development of feasibility study and analysis of options: (within 10 months following the inception workshop)- include recommendations on the most suitable option National and regional consultations Call for specific proposals- detailed basis for site selection; detailed proposal on the design, costs/financing options, other requirements for the facility, site specific assessments, possible funding source

13 Project Expected Output Quantification/Estimation of surplus mercury Options to be provided to governments Creation of a Regional support structure/ Executive Committee-policy guidance Feasibility study and analysis of options for a terminal storage facility Recommendation on most feasible and preferred option Call for specific proposals to include detailed basis for site selection, site specific assessments, design of facility, possible funding facility construction

14 Project Institutional Arrangements Regional advisory/executive committee- (Governments, civil society, industry) steering role: analyze options and provide policy recommendations to Governments UNEP regional offices- ROAP DTIE or regional chemicals focal person to be actively involved in information exchange/policy advice UNEP Chemicals Mercury Programme- overall project coordinator (planning, oversee implementation, monitoring and evaluation)

15 Further information on UNEP Mercury Programme storage/main_page.htm