Western Europe Age of Exploration
Why did it take place? The Age of Exploration was rooted in new technologies and ideas growing out of the Renaissance. Included advances in cartography, navigation and shipbuilding. Many people wanted to find a route to Asia through the west of Europe. Developed a curiosity in people.
Why was exploration important to Europe? European traders traveled across the Mediterranean in search of spices and riches. Why spices? Used to preserve food before there were refrigerators Were in a high demand in Europe. Improve flavor Cinnamon, pepper, nutmeg and cloves Insert a map of your country.
Why was there a need to explore? European merchants knew that if they could trade directly with Asia (people who had spices) they could make enormous profits. Began to search for new routes to Asia Needed a shorter and more direct route
Other reasons for exploration . . . Review . . . Need for trade routes to Asia Desire for spices Curiosity about new areas developed from the Renaissance Desire for new land Nations of Europe competed with each other in the 1400’s for political and economic power. In order to improve their economic strength, they needed more natural resources. Establishing colonies provided new markets for their goods. Gold, God & Glory Some explorers desired fame and riches Others – mostly Catholics – wanted to spread their religion Decrease the influence of Muslims – Spread their culture through trade . . . Who brought the spices to Europe first?
Summarizing Activity Match the reason for exploration with the correct description . . . New Land Spice Trade Renaissance Movement God, Gold & Glory Spirit of curiosity about the world Spread of Religion Motivation to find new routes to Asia Improved economic strength and influence
Who were the leaders in exploration? Portugese Explorers Prince Henry the Navigator (1394 – 1460) From Portugal Began worldwide exploration Paid for over 50 Portuguese explorations into Western Africa Believed a path around Africa would be a shortcut to Asia Returned with gold dust, ivory and navigation knowledge Founded a School of Navigation in 1450 Teach new methods of traveling across the seas Plan expeditions using latest maps, tools and knowledge of ocean winds and currents Paid mapmakers to create detailed maps of new explorations.
Summarizing Activity – Think, Pair, Share List four accomplishments of Prince Henry the Navigator.
Bartholomew Dias (1450 – 1500) Rounded the southern tip of Africa in 1488 Named it the Cape of Good Hope Vasco de Gama (1469 – 1524) Reached the coast of India Took 317 days and 13,500 miles First European to discover a sea route to Asia
By the time Prince Henry the Navigator died in 1460, the Portuguese had ventured around the great bulge of western Africa and reached India. They control the seas.
Who were the leaders in exploration? Spanish Explorers Christopher Columbus (1451-1506) Italian who sailed for Spain Believed the shortest way to Asia was to sail directly west – tried in 1492 One of first Europeans to discover the Americas – The Bahamas Was responsible for beginning European exploration to the New World Voyages led to the eventual establishment of colonies in the New World
Christopher Columbus’ First Journey
Ferdinand Magellan (1480 - 1521) His crew was the first to circumnavigate the globe – which proved the Earth was round. It took 3 years to return to Spain He was killed before they got home – died in the Philippines. Circumnavigate To sail completely around Animaniacs - Ballad of Magellan Astrolabe used to measure the position of the sun and stars in relation to the horizon
Ferdinand Magellan’s Trip Around the World
Other Famous Explorers… Amerigo Vespucci From Italy Explored South America Marco Polo Traveled the Silk Road to China Jacques Cartier From France Explored the St. Lawrence Seaway Leif Erickson From Norway Explored Newfoundland, in Canada Pedro Cabral From Portugal Discovered the first sea route to Brazil Hernando Cortes From Spain Explored Latin America Ponce de Leon Searched for the Fountain of Youth in Florida Francisco Pizarro Hernando Desoto Discovered the Mississippi River Vasco de Balboa Spain Crossed the Isthmus of Panama 1st to see the Pacific Ocean from the New World
What countries held the major colonial empires? Great Britain France Portugal Spain
Portuguese Empire West Coast of Africa South America Africa and Asia Gold and Slaves South America Brazil Gold and Sugar Africa and Asia Important trading posts in coastal areas Focus was on trade vs. taking over new lands
Spanish Empire South America North America (Western USA, Mexico) Pacific Islands (Philippines) Caribbean Cuba, Puerto Rico, Dominican Republic North America (Western USA, Mexico) Central America
Spanish Empire Largest and Strongest Empire Latin America Mexico, Central America and South America Conquered the Aztec and Inca Made money from gold and silver found in the Americas Used to finance military wars & buy Asian silk and spices Spread Catholic religion major part of exploration North Africa Established in late 1400’s and early 1500’s Protect trade interests Claimed the Phillipines for King Phillip II – location of Magellan’s death
Summarizing Activity – True or False Portugal Portugal’s rulers had no interest in exploration or in using the seas for trade. Portugal was more interested in conquering a land and its people than in trade. Spain Brazil was conquered by Spain. The Philippine Islands were named after a Spanish queen. Spain was interested in spreading the Catholic religion. Spain established a large settlement in southern Africa to protect its trade interests.
British Empire North America (Canada, USA) Caribbean (Bahamas, Jamaica) Africa Australia & New Zealand Asia (India)
British Empire Major reason for colonization One of the most powerful empires in history. Controlled 1/5 of the world’s land at its peak in the 1900’s. 1600-1700’s Est. tobacco plantations in the Caribbean Colonies along the coast of North America Colonists came seeking religious freedom 1600 – Chartered the East India Company Traded in the East Indies – India and SE Asia 1858 – India became a colony of Great Britain Late 1600’s – first explored Australia Strong colonial presence in late 1700’s after American independence. Major reason for colonization Mercantilism – economic policy where the colonies helped the mother country by providing valuable natural resources and a market for goods
French Empire Samuel de Champlain founded the colony of Quebec as a trading post in 1608. Similar to the Spanish, the French were very interested in spreading their religion to the lands they colonized. North America Central USA (Louisiana) Eastern Canada Caribbean (Haiti) India and SE Asia Africa & Madagascar
Summarizing Activity In which 2 areas did Great Britain establish colonies in North America? What company established trade between England, India and SE Asia? Which country became a colony of England in 1858? What is an economic policy where colonies exist to increase the wealth of the mother country? Which colony became more important to England after losing the American colonies? Samuel de Champlain founded a trading post where in 1608? What was the name of the French territory in central North America? India Caribbean Louisiana Atlantic coast Australia East India Mercantilism Quebec
What were the effects of exploration? Imperialism One country controls the government or economy of another country – in order to form an empire. Indigenous populations were forced to change their cultural traditions to those of the conquering country. Indigenous – born and living in a place, rather than coming from somewhere else Religious Conversion European monarchs were Christians Sent missionaries to convert indigenous people
Spread of Disease Explorers spread disease to indigenous people because they didn’t have immunity (natural resistance to disease) Smallpox – only disease to be completely eradicated today Malaria – spread by mosquitoes Measles – can spread through fluids (nose/mouth) or airborne presents as a rash
Slavery Increase in slave trade Purchased to work the land and replace many indigenous (native) people who had died from European diseases. Estimated 10-12 million Africans forced into slavery between 1500-1800.
What were the effects of exploration on Europe? European countries founded many new colonies Imperialism As new lands = new natural resources Fertile soil, furs, etc. European countries became very competitive with one another Each trying to become the MOST powerful Most land, most resources, most money, largest military
BE SURE TO STUDY FOR THE QUIZ!!! What was the Renaissance? 3 key individuals of the Renaissance Importance of the printing press 3 G’s – be able to apply information Prince Henry and Magellan Location of the Spanish and Portuguese Empires East India Trading Company Major Reasons for exploration