FiiNaL ExAm by: cHUcKiiE
What is Computer Graphics? Computer graphics is a sub-field of computer science and is concerned with digitally synthesizing and manipulating visual content. Although the term often refers to three-dimensional computer graphics, it also encompasses two-dimensional graphics and image processing. Computer graphics is often differentiated from the field of visualization, although the two have many similarities. A broad classification of major subfields in computer graphics might be: –Geometry: studies ways to represent and process surfaces –Animation: studies with ways to represent and manipulate motion –Rendering: studies algorithms to reproduce light transport –Imaging: studies image acquisition or image editing
What is Animation? The subfield of animation studies descriptions for surfaces (and other phenomena) that move or deform over time. Historically most interest in this area has been focused on parametric and data-driven models, but in recent years physical simulation has experienced a renaissance due to the growing computational capacity of modern machines. Subfields Performance capture Character animation Physical simulation (e.g. cloth modeling, animation of fluid dynamics, etc.)
What software do we use for Computer Graphics? More than one software can be used for Computer Graphics. Currently we use: Microsoft PowerPoint Adobe Photoshop Adobe Image Ready Macromedia Flash Macromedia Dreamweaver
What are the functions of Photoshop? The main function of Photoshop is to edit and animate pictures. Features included are: Crop, Sharpen, 3D Effects, Brushes, Color Application, Drawing, Special Effects, Text Effects, Textures & Patterns etc.