Drug Categories
What is a Drug? A substance other than food that changes the way the body or brain works. Illegal drugs, but also caffeine, cough syrup, aspirin, ibuprofen, anasthetics
Central Nervous System (CNS) CNS is the part of the nervous system that consists of the brain and spinal cord. o Affects thinking, learning, memory o Affects coordination of muscle activity o Affects involuntary actions like heart rate and breathing
Drug Abuse/Misuse Drug Abuse: The intentional use of a harmful drug on purpose. o Examples: illegal drugs, alcohol, prescriptions Drug Misuse: Harmful use of drugs that is not done on purpose.
OTC vs Prescription Over the Counter (OTC) Drug: Drug that you can buy off the shelf at the store. Prescription Drug: Medicine that you can only get with a written order from a doctor. Is it illegal to use someone else’s prescription?
Withdrawal: Unpleasant physical and emotional symptoms that occur when an addict stops using the drug. This includes legal drugs such as caffeine, nicotine, and alcohol.
Tolerance: A condition in which the body becomes used to a drug and larger amounts are needed to produce the same effect.
4 Ways to take Drugs Smoked Eaten/Orally (food, pill) Injected Absorbed into the skin
Drug categories: Stimulants: Drugs that increase activities of the Central Nervous System (CNS). Increase Heart Rate, Blood Pressure, Alertness
Drug Categories Depressants: Drugs that decrease activities of the CNS. Decrease heart rate, blood pressure, make you sleepy Hallucinogens: Drugs that interfere with your senses (sight, hearing). Cause people to see and hear things that aren’t real.
Nicotine Definition: Stimulant; Chemical in cigarettes, cigars, chewing tobacco that gets a person addicted.
Cocaine/Coke Definition: stimulant; extremely addictive Administration – snorting, injecting, smoking Short term effects – increased heart rate, increased blood pressure, anxiety, restlessness Long term effects – paranoia, nose bleeds, aggressive behavior, cardiac arrest
Crack Definition: (stimulant) A purified form of cocaine. Named from the sound it makes when smoked The effects of crack that is smoked is 10 times greater than cocaine that is snorted
Caffeine Definition: Stimulant – A bitter white alkaloid found in tea leaves, coffee beans, coca and other various plants. Found in coffee, tea, tonics analgesics and even chocolate!
Methamphetamine (Meth) Definition: Stimulant; extremely addictive drug that strongly activates certain systems in the brain. Administration: orally, injected, snorted, or smoked Short-term effects: irritability/aggression, anxiety, nervousness, convulsions, insomnia Long-term effects: paranoia, hallucinations, dangerously low body temperature, confusion, and even death.
Ice, Crank, Crystal, Speed Definition: Crank is a stimulant from the amphetamine family. Effects last longer than crack or cocaine. Ice: stimulant; smokeable form of pure meth. Can become immediately addicted.
Amphetamines Definition: Stimulant; Chemically manufactured drug that is highly addictive.
Marijuana ( Weed, grass, pot) Definition: Depressant/Hallucinogen- most commonly abused illegal drug in the U.S. Administration – smoked, eaten in food Short term effects – slowed thinking and reaction time, impaired balance/coordination Long term effects – frequent respiratory infections, impaired memory and learning
Hashish Definition: Depressant/Hallucinogen Made from the roots of the marijuana plant. Stronger effects than marijuana.
Opium Definition: Depressant; a narcotic used to control pain. Found in the poppy seed plant
Heroin Definition: Depressant, highly addictive (also considered a narcotic or pain killer) Administration – smoke, snorted, or injected Short term effects – feeling of euphoria, dry mouth, confusion Long term effects – collapsed veins, infection of the heart lining, liver disease
Morphine Definition: Depressant; a narcotic used to control pain; makes you very drowsy. Is addictive so not used much anymore.
Codeine Definition: Depressant; a narcotic pain killer produced from morphine. It is weaker than morphine. Used in prescription cough syrups and pain relievers
Sleeping Pills Definition: Depressant; Prescribed drugs used to help you sleep better.
Alcohol Definition: Depressant; All types of alcohol are depressants (wine, beer, liquor)
Sedatives/Tranquilizers Definition: Depressant; a group of drugs that depress the CNS. Have a calming effect and are prescribed to treat anxiety.
Rohypnol/Roofies Definition: depressant Date Rape Drug Administration – liquid that is swallowed Short term effects – reduced pain, lowered inhibitions Long term effects – impaired memory, respiratory arrest
LSD (Lysergic Acid Diethylamide ) Definition: Hallucinogen; powerful mood-altering drug Administration – usually by mouth after being added to absorbent paper Short term effects – altered sense of perception, increased body temperature Long term effects – flashbacks, chronic mental disorders
Mushrooms Definition: Hallucinogen; powerful mood- altering drug Sometimes call Magic Mushrooms Found in certain types of mushrooms
Ecstasy Definition: Hallucinogen; popular club drug Administration – swallowed as a pill Short term effects – rapid or irregular heart beat, feelings of exhilaration, dehydration Long term effects – impaired memory and learning, heart failure
Peyote Definition: Hallucinogen; mind altering drug Found in a cactus in Mexico and the southwest U.S.
PCP (Phencyclidine) Definition: hallucinogen Administration – snorted, smoked, or ingested Short term effects – increased breathing rate, increased heart rate Long term effects – delusions, disordered thinking, seizures