Esperanto, Klingon, or Other: Implications for Global Marine Observations John Graybeal Marine Metadata Interoperability Project Monterey Bay Aquarium Research Institute Insert Cool Graphic Here
MMI Progress on “The Metadata Problem”
MMI: A Brief History 2002: Standard Names exercise
2003: Marine Metadata workshop (S Watson) MMI: A Brief History
2004: MMI proposal, award, web site MMI: A Brief History
2005: Hire, tools, workshop, 2nd proposal MMI: A Brief History
2006: NOAA & 2nd NSF awards OOSTethys prototype, OGC participation Involvement in ORION, IOOS data committees Increased international participation More funding and distribution of US participation Sensor Metadata Interoperability Workshop Strategic Planning Meeting, Advisory Panels MMI: A Brief History
MMI: You Are Here
Doing Science: The Way It Has Been Done Hey Francisco, you still running that mooring in Monterey? Yeah, John, what do you need? Is it collecting current data? Yeah, you looking for profiles? Yup, are you doing that with an ADCP? Yes, we’ll probably start profiling soon, too. No, don’t need that. How do I get the data? You want the raw data or QCd? Real-time?. Oh, the QC’d, delayed mode data, definitely, last 3 years worth. That’d be off our dods site, here’s the address.. Documentation come with that? We got some, I’ll have to get one of my techs to send it to you…
Doing Science: The New Way
MOQuA: Metadata Oriented Query Assistant (Mike Godin, MBARI)
Big Picture: IOOS Users Archive Centers Modeling On-line Browse Products Forecasts Maps Regional Data Management Systems International Data Management Systems Terrestrial and Atmospheric Data Management Systems Metadata, Data Discovery and Data Transport Standards and Protocols Ships Satellites Primary Data Assembly & QC Hand Measurements Moorings Floats
Big Picture: ORION
What Will It Take? (from ORION Cyberinfrastructure Concept of Operations) What will it take for a science researcher to access all the data from MBARI, NDBC, and ORION, assess the data that is useful for his or her project, bring it into an analysis program, and produce the first visualization all in a single day, and still have time to call one of the data producers and ask about the details of the latest quality control process?
What It Will Take Communities Creating Marine Data and Metadata Interoperability
What’s needed for marine metadata interoperability? Several areas of community agreement. The way to transfer the metadata: Transport Protocol What data to transfer: Content Standard What the contents mean: Vocabulary Transport Protocol Content Standard Vocabulary
We have some of these— so where’s the problem? EML ISO DCMI FGDC MarineXML GML ADL NetCDF ASCII ContentContent ProtocolProtocol ESML OPeNDAP REST SOAPZ39.50 DFDL THREDDS LAS WxS HTTP HDF TIF JPEG MetadataData Coards/CF
Identifying technical gaps— Vocabularies Few formal marine vocabularies existed There was no agreed format or location Most weren’t comprehensive or detailed There was no way to connect them There was no architecture to nurture them –Like children, they need encouragement to grow healthy and strong, and to play well with others Water Temperature sea_water_ temperature TEMP BODC GCMD CF
Vocabularies: Discovery and Harmonization DTD CommaSeparatedValues HTML TabSeparatedValues RelationalDatabase XML/XSD RDF OWL
~ 60 Ontologies Available
Relating Vocabularies: Mapping tool: Got VINE? Vocabulary INtegration Environment
International Challenges Technical Needs –Address a Range of Sophistication –Leverage Existing Technologies –Provide Localization Cultural Challenges –Language –Nationality Making Collaborations Valuable
MMI Strategies for International Success
For Any Collaboration Problem— There Are 3 Options Create a committee to develop (or anoint) a consensus standard Find a wizard (or giant) who will create a compelling standard Build translators
A Parable About Standards: The Birth of TCP/IP A New Way to Look at Networking Van Jacobson, XEROX PARC –speaking at Google –Find at ARPANet: new endpoint-oriented protocol –Worked really well, so everyone built one –BUT! None of them worked with each other
ARPANet ~ 1971 Credits: © Martin Dodge, 2004 ( ; Casting the Net, 1995, Peter H Salus
MMI Strategies for International Success
Progress in Key Places Transport Protocol Content Standard Vocabulary Expect all 3 approaches to be part of the landscape
Sensor Metadata Interoperability Workshop October 19-20, 2006 in Portland, Maine Learning about sensor metadata content standards Unknown if any anointing will occur!
MMI Steering Committee Robert Arko, LDEO Julie Bosch, NOAA Taco de Bruin, NIOZ (Netherlands) Francisco Chavez, MBARI Ben Domenico, Unidata Stephen Miller, SIO Lola Olsen, NASA Goddard Greg Reed, AODCJF (Australia) Dawn Wright, Oregon State University Steering Committee Executive Committee John Graybeal, MBARI (Lead PI) Philip Bogden, SURA/SCOOP Matthew Howard, Texas A&M Andrew Maffei, WHOI Karen Stocks, UCSD
MMI: Your Handy Reference Guide MMI: Sensor Metadata Workshop: Events: Help Line: Get info re site: Ontologies: