“Keeping it Personal without getting Dismissed”…and tired! Todd Burrell Director of Admissions Southern Illinois University Edwardsville
Office of Admissions – 5 units / 25 staff members Academic Mailing Academic Marketing Admission Counseling New Student Programs Review and Processing 7 Admission Counselors/Territory Managers 13,398 Total Enrollment Fall 2007 term 1829 Freshmen (7035 applications) 1103 Transfers (2709)
P r o s p e c t s I n q u i r i e s A p p l i c a n t s A d m i t s E n r o l l s !
And so many others…
Prospects Be early – the first Don’t be the “last school standing.” Communicate effectively with all students you bought the names, use them fully Personalized web page (EIP) get even more information
2004 – purchased 10,000 names purchased 30,000 senior names Also, purchased 5,000 PLAN names for the first time More names up front should mean more enrolls at the end!
Inquiries Parrarel Communication hard copy with campaign Able to personalize all communication Tracking responses / follow up
Birthday Greeting Chat SIUE to all prospects track data
Our inquiry pool grew from about 7,000 to 11,200 (2004 to 2007) One success of more inquiries – our growth in visits – from 2,800 (03-04) to 9,975 (06-07)
Applications Apply on-line – communicate even better Instant Notification To both student and High School SIUE = 6074 on-line applications to 11,381 (for all EIU = counselor gets an about students’ application status
Utilized ACT AIM/Predictive Modeling to: Target School Visits Make Prospect Phone Calls Encourage Scholarship Application Build Relationship w/ All Students - especially minority students To get more applications, we:
Ethnicity Breakdown: EthnictyApplicationsAdmitsEnrolls African-American American Indian Asian/Pacific Islander SIUE
Admits Build Relationship Maintain this throughout decision process Keep it Personal – while utilizing technology Communicate the way (the students) want to communicate
Facebook My Space Blogs - Videos – visit Illinois State University Podcasts Texts Google your school – see what is there!
Enrolls Keep them interested Communicate with Parents Utilize other university offices
Success: Goal: Goal:
Challenges Staffing Support Management OIT Staff Resources Time We know we can do more! So many good ideas… Do what best fits the institution and your vision and goals
Questions? Your thoughts/ ideas…
Thank You! Todd Burrell Director of Admissions Southern Illinois University Edwardsville