The Black Death (AKA Bubonic Plague) 1348 – beginning of 1400’s caused by infected rats, fleas bite them and then bite the people. Infected Rats travelled from Asia/china on ships, ended up in Europe Over 2/3 of Europeans died Renaissance 1300’s to 1700’s After the plague, commoners (Europeans without royal titles) began to spend more time and Money on the arts, medicine and showing off their wealth. Bigger, flashier homes Looking inside of deceased bodies (cadavers) to see what was inside Learning ways to cure certain illnesses & diseases More art, bigger art, brighter art, lots and lots of art
The Age of Exploration Causes God – spreading religion to new lands/people Gold – getting rich from gold, silver, spices, cotton, etc. Glory – claiming the most land for your country, bragging rights Why? Reasons Better, faster ships New technology to help navigate ships Stronger leaders paying for the trip (Kings & Queens) Drawbacks Diseases Starvation Shipwrecks Fighting the natives Fighting other European empires over land Spain, Portugal, France and England Columbian Exchange The transfer of plants, animals & diseases between Europe & The New World (N. and S. America) Triangular Trade Europeans captured and sold slaves from Africa to the New World The slaves worked on plantations & the raw goods/natural resources produced from their work was sent to Europe European factories made finished products from the natural resources And sold them to Africa and the New World
Militarism Alliances Imperialism Nationalism Militarism – countries building up their military to protect Their country or to take over other countries Alliances – countries becoming friends to help each other out In case they are threatened or invaded “I’ve got your back if you got mine” Imperialism – A country taking over many lands = empires. This Country takes the natural resources, controls the natives and Makes money off of the lands Nationalism – pride in one’s country. Sometimes too much Pride in one’s country where you feel like you’re the best. Causes of WWI