U NIT 10: C ULMINATING P ROJECT Essential Question: - Why do some civilizations thrive while others fail? - What are the turning points in Global History?
U NIT 10: C ULMINATING P ROJECT DAY 1 Daily Questions: Why was your topic considered a turning point in global history? How do I review or research my topic? Warm-up: Geography Quiz (15 minutes)
N EW B ROADCAST P ROJECT Read through the Culminating Project Overview Go over project steps Assign students to topic Go over the project research worksheet Assignment: RESEARCH your topic
JOURNAL 1 Answer ALL of the following questions: What is your topic? Why is your topic a turning point in history? What step are you on in the project? What steps will you complete next class? HOMEWORK: Work on project research worksheet STUDY – first humans and civilizations quiz next class
U NIT 10: C ULMINATING P ROJECT DAY 2 Daily Questions: How do I write an editorial on my topic? 5 MINUTES TO STUDY FOR THE QUIZ Warm-up: Early Humans and Civilizations Quiz (15 minutes)
N EWS B ROADCAST P ROJECT Assignment: RESEARCH your topic (30 minutes) FINISH your research/review worksheet
N EWS B ROADCAST P ROJECT Look at the picture you were given Answer the following questions in a written reflection (you should use the entire page to write) What’s going on in this picture? What do you see that makes you say that? What more can we find?
N EWS B ROADCAST P ROJECT Article / Editorial Question: What was a turning point in the history of the world? Answer: [My topic, person, or event] was a turning point in world history because…[your opinion of why this event was important, changed the world] The editorial should be written individually (you and your partner will want to focus on different parts of the same topic, person or event) The editorial should be approximately 1-page typed single- spaced or 2-3 pages written. The editorial should use the textbook and two other reliable sources for review/research. You should use specific evidence about the time period and topic, person or event within your editorial to prove the importance of the topic, person or event. Remember that your editorial should NOT include the word “I.”
ARTICLE OUTLINE WHO?Ancient Chinese (doctors?) WHAT?Acupuncture (medical procedure) WHEN?4000 years ago WHERE?Ancient China WHY?Helps people who are sick and in pain HOW?Use sharp knives and tools Introduction : In [WHERE], [WHO] did [WHAT]. This happened because [WHY]…and they accomplished this [HOW]… Thesis (opinion): [Topic, person, or event] was a turning point because…[evidence 1],[ evidence 2], and [evidence 3] Example: In China, 4000 years ago, ancient civilizations began to practice acupuncture. Acupuncture is the practice of inserting needles through skin to cure disease or relieve pain. This happened because ancient Chinese people were looking for ways to help those who were in pain and what they had were sharp knives and tools available. Acupuncture was a turning point in history because…(1) it cured disease and relieved stress, (2) changed the way in which people use medicine, and (3)
A NCIENT C IVILIZATIONS Q UIZ R EVIEW Ancient India Ancient China Ancient Egypt Ancient Greece Ancient Rome
JOURNAL 2 Answer ALL of the following questions: Why is your topic a turning point in history? What step are you on in the project? What steps will you complete next class? HOMEWORK: Work on your article/editorial STUDY – ancient civilizations quiz (India/Egypt/China & Greece & Rome) next class Quiz Corrections Steps before dismissed: 1. Stack textbooks in center of desks 2. Pack up binder 3. Complete Journal 2 4. Write down the homework and “topics to study” from the board
U NIT 10: C ULMINATING P ROJECT DAY 3 Daily Questions: How do I write an editorial on my topic? STUDY TIME (5 minutes) Warm-up: Ancient Civilizations Quiz (15 minutes)
ARTICLE OUTLINE WHO? WHAT? WHEN? WHERE? WHY? HOW? Introduction : In [WHERE], [WHO] did [WHAT]. This happened because [WHY]…and they accomplished this [HOW]… Thesis (opinion): [Topic, person, or event] was a turning point because…[evidence 1],[ evidence 2], and [evidence 3] Example:
N EWS B ROADCAST P ROJECT Article / Editorial Question: What was a turning point in the history of the world? Answer: [My topic, person, or event] was a turning point in world history because…[your opinion of why this event was important, changed the world] The editorial should be written individually (you and your partner will want to focus on different parts of the same topic, person or event) The editorial should be approximately 1-page typed single- spaced or 2-3 pages written. The editorial should use the textbook and two other reliable sources for review/research. You should use specific evidence about the time period and topic, person or event within your editorial to prove the importance of the topic, person or event. Remember that your editorial should NOT include the word “I.”
N EWS B ROADCAST P ROJECT News Broadcast Script Sit with your partner Decide if you will do a News Broadcast as a Report from a studio Interview On The Scene What will your News Broadcast report on? What is the goal of your News Broadcast? Assign roles Fill out the broadcast organizer Write a script of who will say what and what will happen in the broadcast When completed, have your script approved by the teacher
B ROADCAST O RGANIZER WHAT is the story about? WHY is this story important? WHO is involved in the story? WHERE is the story happening? WHEN is the story happening? Has it already happened, is it about to happen or is it happening now ?
JOURNAL 3 Answer ALL of the following questions: Why is your topic a turning point in history? What step are you on in the project? What steps will you complete next class? HOMEWORK: Work on your article/editorial STUDY – world religions quiz (Judaism, Christianity, Islam, Hinduism) next class Quiz Corrections Steps before dismissed: 1. Stack textbooks in center of desks 2. Pack up binder 3. Complete Journal 3 4. Write down the homework and “topics to study” from the board
U NIT 10: C ULMINATING P ROJECT DAY 4 Daily Questions: How do I write a script for my news broadcast? Warm-up: World Religions Quiz (15 minutes)
A RTICLE – PACKET #5 Thesis has 3 reasons/evidence (each paragraph should discuss one reason/evidence point T – Topic Sentence I – Introduce Evidence E – Evidence D – Discuss Evidence
N EWS B ROADCAST P ROJECT News Broadcast Script Sit with your partner Decide if you will do a News Broadcast as a Report from a studio Interview On The Scene What will your News Broadcast report on? What is the goal of your News Broadcast? Assign roles Fill out the broadcast organizer Write a script of who will say what and what will happen in the broadcast When completed, have your script approved by the teacher
B ROADCAST O RGANIZER WHAT is the story about? WHY is this story important? WHO is involved in the story? WHERE is the story happening? WHEN is the story happening? Has it already happened, is it about to happen or is it happening now ?
JOURNAL 4 Answer ALL of the following questions: What step are you on in the project? What steps will you complete next class? HOMEWORK: Finish your article/editorial Work on your news broadcast script STUDY – medieval times & crusades quiz next class Quiz Corrections
U NIT 10: C ULMINATING P ROJECT DAY 5 Daily Questions: How do I write a script for my news broadcast? Warm-up: Medieval Times & Crusades Quiz (15 minutes)
N EWS B ROADCAST P ROJECT News Broadcast Script Sit with your partner Decide if you will do a News Broadcast as a Report from a studio Interview On The Scene What will your News Broadcast report on? What is the goal of your News Broadcast? Assign roles Fill out the broadcast organizer Write a script of who will say what and what will happen in the broadcast When completed, have your script approved by the teacher
JOURNAL 5 Answer ALL of the following questions: What step are you on in the project? What steps will you complete next class? HOMEWORK: Work on your news broadcast STUDY – Renaissance & Reformation quiz next class Quiz Corrections
U NIT 10: C ULMINATING P ROJECT DAY 6 Daily Questions: How do I record my news broadcast? Warm-up: Renaissance & Reformation Quiz (15 minutes)
N EWS B ROADCAST P ROJECT News Broadcast Sit with your partner Decide how you can best record your news broadcast Report from a studio Interview On The Scene What do you need for the broadcast Record your news broadcast *Remember script must be approved by teacher first
JOURNAL 6 Answer ALL of the following questions: What step are you on in the project? What steps will you complete next class? HOMEWORK: Work on your news broadcast STUDY – Sub-Saharan Africa quiz next class Quiz Corrections
U NIT 10: C ULMINATING P ROJECT DAY 7 Daily Questions: What do I need to do to present my article and news broadcast next class? Warm-up: Civilizations of Sub-Saharan Africa Quiz (15 minutes)
N EWS B ROADCAST P ROJECT FINALIZE YOUR PROJECT News Article News Broadcast Script News Broadcast Recording If time, do an extra credit assignment
JOURNAL 7 Answer ALL of the following questions: What step are you on in the project? What materials do you need to present your news broadcast next class? HOMEWORK: FINISH your project!!! Quiz Corrections
U NIT 10: C ULMINATING P ROJECT DAY 8 Daily Questions: What was/is the impact of these major historical events, people, ideas on history? Warm-up: Prepare to share your News Broadcast (15 minutes)
N EWS B ROADCAST P ROJECT Share out news broadcast projects with the class Gallery Walk of News Articles Answer the reflection worksheet