Industrial Revolution Quiz Take out paper and number from One to Ten
1. During this time of great change, I learned to use machinery and new methods to create products. A. The age of exploration B. Industrial Revolution C. Middle Ages D. Renaissance
2. I am part of a group that speaks up and bargains for better working conditions for all workers A. Farmers B. Students C. Unions D. laborers
3. I am a factory owner, if I refused to make the working conditions better, the workers refused to work until their demands were met. A. textile B. cottage industry C. union D. strike
4. Before textiles moved to factories, spinning and cloth weaving were done by me and my family from home. A. Cottage industry B. Productivity C. human resources D. strikes
5. Because of the new machines and new methods, I was able to increase the amount of textiles in a shorter amount of time A. human resources B. unions C. productivity D. cottage industry
6. I knew the Industrial revolution was a good thing when I moved the first known industry to the factories and was able to produce more in less time. A. Textiles B. cottages C. resources D. union
7. I invented a steam engine. A. Eli Whitney B. Albert Einstein C. Thomas Newcomen D. James Watt
8. We were people who were hired to work machines in factories A. unions B. strike C. productivity D. human resources
9. I invented the light bulb. A. James Watt B. Thomas Edison C. Andrew Carnegie D. John Rockefeller
10. During the Industrial Revolution, I remained in the rural areas to earn my living. A. Farmer B. Banker C. Factory Worker D. Railroad Worker