SPORTS OFFERED & CALENDAR OF SEASONS Fall 2014 Boys’ and Girls’ Cross Country – 7 th and 8 th Grade Boys’ and Girls’ Cross Country – 7 th and 8 th Grade August 18 – October 4 (6 weeks) 4-6 Meets Boys’ Wrestling – 7 th and 8 th grade Boys’ Wrestling – 7 th and 8 th grade August 18 – October 4 (7 weeks) 4-6 Matches
SPORTS OFFERED & CALENDAR OF SEASONS Winter I Girls’ Basketball – 8 th Grade Girls’ Basketball – 8 th Grade October 6 – December 12 (10 weeks) 8 Games Winter II Boys’ Basketball – 8 th grade Boys’ Basketball – 8 th grade January 5 – March 13 (10 weeks) 8 Games
SPORTS OFFERED & CALENDAR OF SEASONS Spring – 2015 Girls’ Volleyball – 7 th and 8 th grade Girls’ Volleyball – 7 th and 8 th grade March 23 – May 15 (8 weeks) 8 matches (Duals and Tri’s)
BASIC TENETS OF MS ATHLETICS PROGRAM High school Athletic Directors will take on additional responsibilities to help oversee and support the middle school program High school Athletic Directors will take on additional responsibilities to help oversee and support the middle school program Current middle school intramural coordinators will take on expanded role to cover athletics as well Current middle school intramural coordinators will take on expanded role to cover athletics as well Middle school bookkeeper will coordinate budgeting, payroll, and purchasing for athletic programs Middle school bookkeeper will coordinate budgeting, payroll, and purchasing for athletic programs
BASIC TENETS OF MS ATHLETICS PROGRAM Roles of people involved in Athletics Roles of people involved in Athletics Area Activities Director (currently HS AD) Area Activities Director (currently HS AD) MS Athletic Coordinator MS Athletic Coordinator MS Bookkeeper MS Bookkeeper Building Administration Building Administration
BASIC TENETS OF MS ATHLETICS PROGRAM MS teams will only compete against other SMSD middle school teams. Exception might be cross country MS teams will only compete against other SMSD middle school teams. Exception might be cross country No athletic training services will be provided to the middle schools No athletic training services will be provided to the middle schools All coaches will be required to be First Aid/CPR trained and will receive some additional training in how to respond to severe trauma All coaches will be required to be First Aid/CPR trained and will receive some additional training in how to respond to severe trauma Middle schools will likely not be members of KSHSAA in this first year, but may consider joining in the future Middle schools will likely not be members of KSHSAA in this first year, but may consider joining in the future
BASIC TENETS OF MS ATHLETICS PROGRAM Middle school students will be required to complete an Extra-Curricular participation packet which will include completing a physical, signing a TDA contract, and maintaining academic eligibility to participate Middle school students will be required to complete an Extra-Curricular participation packet which will include completing a physical, signing a TDA contract, and maintaining academic eligibility to participate The Sunflower League Commissioner of officials will provide the scheduling of game officials for the basketball, volleyball, and wrestling programs The Sunflower League Commissioner of officials will provide the scheduling of game officials for the basketball, volleyball, and wrestling programs
INTRAMURALS PROGRAM Middle schools will still continue to offer an intramural program Middle schools will still continue to offer an intramural program Intramurals will not include sports that are already being offered in the competitive sports program Intramurals will not include sports that are already being offered in the competitive sports program Intramural activities that will likely continue include: Intramural activities that will likely continue include: KickballSoccerWiffle-ballTable Tennis Most buildings can then add other activities based on student interest: Most buildings can then add other activities based on student interest: ChessRoboticsDance/StompCooking SewingDebateBook ClubArtTheater
GOALS OF MS ATHLETICS PROGRAM All sports operate on a skill development philosophy with even amount of playing time or participation in competitions. All sports operate on a skill development philosophy with even amount of playing time or participation in competitions. Skilled coaches will be identified with the goal of working with high school coachers to develop a 6 year program to encourage student growth. Skilled coaches will be identified with the goal of working with high school coachers to develop a 6 year program to encourage student growth. Goal is to increase interest and participation in healthy activities, encourage more student participation in activities, develop skills and connection with the schools. Goal is to increase interest and participation in healthy activities, encourage more student participation in activities, develop skills and connection with the schools. Prepare students for involvement in high school activities, leadership roles, time management and maintain academics. Prepare students for involvement in high school activities, leadership roles, time management and maintain academics.