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Keeping Track of Student ZPDs Keeping Track of a Students
Tag Board is cheaper!
AR BookFinder
Ways to Promote AR
In honor of Reading Across America Month, the second grade team at Bethel Grove Elementary implemented a popcorn-themed reading program which involved parents reading with or to their children at home. The program ran through the month of February and ended on March 2. Classes that met their goal of reading 4,500 minutes were rewarded with a reading celebration. Prizes were awarded to the top three readers in each class!
Crescent Heights. Here is part of the third grade display. Each teacher has their own color and we move stars about once a week.
Stanley Chart
Principal's Challenge--for all ages. If we met the goal she would sing a song at a karaoke concert. We hire the local karaoke DJ and all the classrooms get to perform also. (This tip came from Janet Carnes, Napi Elementary School, Browning, MT). Other free or inexpensive rewards: free dress, extra recess, extra library book, a parade, popcorn or ice cream for the students, etc.