Walton County School District 5-Year Facilities Work Plan 2015-2020 September 15, 2015
Work Plan Considerations The Five-Year Facilities Work Plan submitted to FL DOE by October 1st Facilities Department can make adjustments to the Work Plan as directed by the School Board
5-Year Facilities Work Plan School Boards are required to adopt annual 5-Year Work Plans to address facilities needs for students. These plans are developed in accordance with the following: Demographic, revenue, and education estimating conferences are the basis of the plan as provided by the State Coordination with local governments to determine potential growth impacts on school facilities. Planning the expansions or closures of existing school sites. Projected major repairs, renovations, and new construction. Capital Outlay budget is prepared annually and financially feasible. Relocatable/modular replacement plans are considered. Note: Historical data indicates the District’s available revenue and student growth will surpass state estimates.
5-Year Facilities Work Plan Section Outline Expenditures Revenue Project Schedules Tracking Planning Long Range Planning Local Governments Adoption / Submittal
5-Year Facilities Work Plan Outline Expenditure Sections: Expenditure for Maintenance, Repair and Renovation from 1.5 Mills and PECO Local 1.5 Mill Expenditure for Maintenance, Repair and Renovation
5-Year Facilities Work Plan Outline Revenue Sections : Current / Projected Revenue Sources PECO Revenue Source Fair Share Revenue Source Sales Surtax Revenue Sources Additional Revenue Source CO & DS Revenue Source
5-Year Facilities Work Plan Outline Project Schedules: Capacity Project Schedules Other Project Schedules Additional Project Schedules
5-Year Facilities Work Plan Outline Capacity Tracking: Relocatable Replacement Charter Schools Special Purpose Classrooms Infrastructure Net New Classrooms Relocatable Student Stations Leased Facilities Failed Standard Relocatables
5-Year Facilities Work Plan Outline Planning: Class Size Reduction Planning School Closure Planning Long Range Planning: Ten &Twenty-Year Maintenance and Repair Ten & Twenty-Year Capacity Ten & Twenty-Year Planned Utilization Ten & Twenty-Year Infrastructure Planning
5-Year Facilities Work Plan Outline Local Governments: City of DeFuniak Springs City of Freeport City of Paxton Walton County
Walton County Growth Trends
Walton County Residential Building Permits 2009 - July 2015 Year # of Dwelling Units 2009 231 2010 388 2011 552 2012 872 2013 1,187 2014 1,076 2015 (through July) 773
Certificates of Occupancy The following are certificates of occupancy for residential dwelling units issued by the Walton County Building Department from July 2004 through July 2015. Most newly constructed residential developments are south of Choctawhatchee Bay: 82% issued to South Walton 11% issued to Freeport area 7% issued to North Walton (Caveat: These numbers include multi-family units, and the multi-family units are probably under reported.)
Residential Certificates of Occupancy July 2004 – July 2015 Year Region Totals North Walton Central Walton South Walton 2004, July-Dec 33 64 506 603 2005 45 78 930 1,053 2006 107 81 878 1,066 2007 113 171 734 1,018 2008 90 473 644 2009 57 245 347 2010 18 24 185 227 2011 17 74 283 374 2012 39 72 568 679 2013 28 93 809 2014 70 852 955 2015, July 43 422 489 Cumulative Regional Totals, # & % 583 (7%) 917 (11%) 6,885 (82%) 8,385
Walton County School District Student Population
Six Year Student Growth: May 2009 – May 2015 North/West Central Walton School Year Change May 2009 May 2010 May 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 Student Growth Since May 2009 % of District Growth by Region Since May 2009 South Walton Bay Elementary * 291 331 314 315 309 325 330 +39 Butler Elementary * 709 801 877 904 909 925 977 +268 Emerald Coast Middle 332 346 359 504 636 693 771 +439 South Walton High 539 570 561 550 532 528 580 +60 Region Totals: 1,871 2,048 2,111 2,273 2,386 2,471 2,658 +806 (+64%) Freeport Freeport Elementary* 587 602 536 558 616 633 +76 Freeport Middle 283 280 274 389 430 426 464 +181 Freeport High 321 324 333 312 352 +6 1,216 1,209 1,197 1,249 1,321 1,354 1,479 +263 (+21%) DeFuniak Springs Maude Saunders Elem. 673 658 624 652 615 653 -20 West DeFuniak Elementary 635 605 596 625 662 664 663 +28 Walton Middle 666 611 646 657 640 -26 Walton High 717 751 722 656 655 684 +21 2,637 2,615 2,591 2,576 2,616 2,640 +3 (0%) North/West Central Walton Mossy Head Elementary 260 270 299 320 318 347 +87 Paxton 630 621 626 671 714 +112 862 900 920 955 935 989 1,061 +199 (+16%) District Totals: 6,586 6,772 6,819 6,854 7,258 7,405 7,808 +1,271 (100%)
Recent Increases in Student Population From May 2015 to September 2015 district has added 517 students: 297 students in South Walton 62 students in Freeport area 158 students in North Walton District is monitoring student growth very closely Five Year Work Plan can be modified to address emerging growth trends
Student Population: September 4, 2015 School PK KG 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 OT School Total Bay Elementary School 86 62 76 82 61 368 Chautauqua School Emerald Coast K12 Emerald Coast Middle School 228 221 199 201 849 Emerald Coast Technical College 117 Freeport Elementary 47 113 126 120 107 125 638 Freeport High School 127 108 84 403 Freeport Middle School 118 111 453 Maude Saunders Elementary 115 124 101 97 671 Mossy Head Elementary 24 42 70 56 45 37 335 Paxton School 20 52 58 57 74 66 63 60 54 761 South Walton High 219 169 161 140 689 Van R Butler Elementary 106 175 183 213 191 180 1049 Walton Alt Learning Center Walton County Jail Prog Walton High School 227 212 187 151 784 Walton Initiative 85 Walton Learning Center 15 31 Walton Middle School 216 189 633 West Defuniak Elementary 103 675 * Non-Charter School Totals 285 700 716 777 718 672 646 597 564 649 556 489 428 8554 CHARTER SCHOOLS Seaside Neighborhood School 44 40 43 34 16 307 Walton Academy & The Pathways Program 35 23 25 13 159 * Charter School Totals 48 68 75 78 67 59 29 466 VIRTUAL SCHOOLS Walton Virtual School * Virtual School Totals ** District Totals ** 688 682 665 640 728 626 552 460 9033
Student Growth Projections DOE - COFTE Projections 2015-16 2016-17 2017-18 2018-19 2019-20 7,969 8,211 8,455 8,744 8,995 This year’s COFTE (Capital Outlay Full Time Equivalent) projections indicate a District-wide 1,026 student increase between 2015-16 and 2019-20. Walton County School District has experienced positive student growth over the past five years. This trend is expected to continue. COFTE projections are based on a cohort survival method, which is based largely upon live births and deaths. To ensure accuracy, this method must be modified in districts experiencing rapid in-migration and robust new residential development – which the Walton School District has experienced over the past few years. These COFTE numbers include only pre-school children with disabilities (ESE) and pre-school age children whose parents are in the Teenage Parent Program. It does not include children in the District’s Voluntary Pre-K program.
Walton County School District School Capacities F. I. S. H Walton County School District School Capacities F.I.S.H. (Student Stations)
School Capacities by Student Stations North Walton School 9-4-15 Enrollment Permanent Capacity & Percentage Relocatable Capacity Maude Saunders Elementary 671 668 (100%) 812 (83%) West DeFuniak Elementary 675 662 (102%) 716 (94%) Mossy Head School 335 549 (61%) N/A Walton Middle 639 938 (68%) Walton High 784 1,079 (73%) Paxton School 763 907 (84%) 959 (80%) Freeport Freeport Elementary 638 787 (81%) Freeport Middle 453 732 (62%) 776 (58%) Freeport High 403 741 (54%) South Walton Bay Elementary 368 286 (135%) 394 (93%) Butler Elementary 1,049 1,030 (102%) 1,246 (84%) Emerald Coast Middle 849 1,020 (83%) South Walton High 689 739 (93%)
Walton County School District Bond Issues - Debt Service
Bond Issues - Debt Service Lease Purchase (COPS) 2015 – Walton Middle School Matures 2035 Annual Payment $2,090,450 Lease Purchase (COPS) 2010 – Emerald Coast Middle School Matures 2020 Annual Payment $1,192,771 Lease Purchase (COPS) 1999 – Freeport High and South Walton High Schools Matures 2019 Annual Payment $2,064,375 Annual Debt Service $5,347,596 (25% of Capital Budget)
Walton County Property Values
Walton County Property Values 2004 - 2015 2004 8,157,752,492 2005 12,823,805,149 2006 16,264,761,110 2007 17,419,405,194 2008 16,729,382,232 2009 14,032,423,460 2010 11,715,722,283 2011 11,203,884,621 2012 11,237,782,014 2013 11,912,678,553 2014 13,359,897,363 2015 15,149,432,487
Construction Recommendations (Proposed Schedule) 2015 - 2020
SCHOOL/PROJECT 2015-16 2016-17 2017-18 2018-19 2019-20 South Walton High: 9th Grade Academy w/8 classrooms 300,000 3,000,000 New School - South: Elementary School - A & E Planning 1,100,000 Elementary School - Construction (COPS) 10,000,000 16,000,000 Bay Elementary School: Renovation / Safety / Parking 800,000 Pre-K Center 1,000,000 Freeport School - Hammock Bay: Architectural Design - Master Plan 250,000 Intermediate School - Construction 2,000,000 12,000,000 Freeport Transportation: Site Work - Ph I Construction / Buildings - Ph II Freeport Middle School: Renovation / ESE Center / Pre-K
SCHOOL/PROJECT 2015-16 2016-17 2017-18 2018-19 2019-20 Walton Middle School: Construction (COPS) 12,000,000 18,000,000 Maude Saunders Elementary: Planning 350,000 8 Classroom Addition/Renovation Paxton School: Computer Lab/Classrooms 1,500,000 Walton High School: Athletic Complex - Phase II 2,000,000 Complex - Phase III Emerald Cost Technical College: Career & Tech Education Programs 1,000,000 District - Wide: Technology Upgrades 2,300,000 Safety / Security Upgrades 700,000 500,000 Site Drainage 50,000 Master Planning & Design Services A & E Services 400,000 TOTALS 23,300,000 33,950,000 23,950,000 13,950,000 16,800,000
Walton County School Board Undeveloped Properties
Freeport Transportation Site
Forest View Property
Hammock Bay Property
Work Plan Considerations The Five-Year Facilities Work Plan submitted to FL DOE by October 1st Facilities Department can make adjustments to the Work Plan as directed by the School Board