Citizens Finance Committee Dr. Timothy Mitchell Rapid City Area Schools
Tale of Two Cities-Charles Dicken's “It was the best of times, it was the worst of times” I believe in “possibility”-specifically the possibility that we could can create the best of times if we choose If we are willing to think carefully-be motivated as to what is best for children- have open honest and factual dialogue about the issues we are facing
Guiding Question What must we have to provide a high quality education for all students of the RCAS?
RCAS Mission Building a community of life long learners, one student at a time.
RCAS Vision All Rapid City Area School students will achieve to their full potential.
RCAS Priorities ◦Guaranteed, Viable, Relevant Curriculum ◦Life and Career skills ◦Technology Literacy (21 st century skills) ◦Staff Effectiveness and Organizational Capacity-Building ◦Comprehensive System of Assessment ◦Diverse Opportunities for students to learn and be academically successful
What is essential!! Community Support Community Involvement Community Trust
Behavior Key-Act responsibly and inspire confidence without compromising authority
The Situation Based upon Presentation: Reductions in the next 2 yrs to account for: -8.6 % reduction in State Aid -$97 per student- one time money -Current 2.3% increase ($3.95 per student increase)
The Situation Budget Includes: -3.5 Mill in Fund Balance -2.7 Mill Capital Outlay Flexibility -Budget Reduction 1.98 Mill
The Strategy To become as Effective and Efficient as possible To become as Innovative and Creative as possible To guide a conversation to the determine the expectations for public schools- support ways to meet those expectations
Smart Money-Stretching the School Dollar Four resource shifts with great potential: -away from quantity of staff towards quality -from remediation to early identification -from isolated practitioners to teacher teams -from full-time teachers toward alternative, creative, and effective
Overall Task of Committee ) The Budget Document-Communication 2) District Budget Capacity-Sustain 3) Fund Balance-Right Ratio 4) Revenue Generation-Opportunities
Budget Capacity Reduce Staff FTE’s Review Benefit Package Explore Efficiencies-List in Report Review Negotiated Agreements Reduce Administration Expense Perform Classroom Staffing Ratio
Fund Balance The committee recommended that the General Fund Balance be to a targeted level of 12%
Concluding Comments Reduce Staff and/or Programs Increase Teacher to Student Ratios Consolidate or Close Schools Change State Funding Formula-Legislative Process
Middle School The length of school day varied The number and length of class periods varied One School used Block Schedule Per Pupil Teacher Load varied The number of classes taught varied Some Schools Prime Time-others Not
John Hattie-Visible Learning Visible Learning synthesized the results of more than 15 years of research involving millions of students and it represents the biggest collection of evidenced-based research into what actually works in schools to improve learning.
John Hattie-Visible Learning One of the fascinating outcomes of research on school effects is the number of issues in education where achievement evidence is close to zero but the heat is as high as it is as if it would be if the policy were obviously effective.
The First Building Block All Kids Can Learn Activity Why do we exist? This question challenges us to reflect on the fundamental purpose and the very reason for our existence This question requires us to clarify priorities and gives us direction for our classrooms
The First Building Block On the activity sheet you will find descriptions of four schools that operate under very different assumptions. Even though the educators within these schools would contend that they believe “all kids can learn,” they would respond to students who are not learning in very different ways Please complete Activity
The First Building Block -The first school views failure to learn as an indication that the student lacks the ability or motivation to master content. Based on this assessment, the school offers a less rigorous program as a solution -The second school considers failure an important part of the learning process- students who do not put forth the necessary effort must be taught individual responsibility and they are allowed to fail
The First Building Block -The third school is prepared to accept responsibility for helping each student demonstrate some growth but is unwilling to establish high standards for all students. Here, too, the faculty members contend that they have little influence over the extent of an individual’s learning
The First Building Block Clearly then, it is only the fourth school in the activity that offers a viable, modern-day approach to students who are not learning
The First Building Block Significant finding: The most successful schools function as a professional learning community: Teachers pursue a clear shared purpose Engage in collaborative work Take collective responsibility for student learning
The First Building Block We expect our students to learn, and we work to fulfill our collective responsibility to ensure that this learning takes place for all students
Learning is Our Work The best way to improve a school or district is by developing the people within it!!
Instructional Calendar Proposal A bi-monthly early release time district-wide to enhance student learning by allowing teachers time to plan as teams, create common formative assessments and learning targets, do data charts to monitor student progress, create enrichment lessons and move forward any future district initiatives
Instructional Calendar Proposal Reduction of Additional Pay and Temporary Staffing Additional Time to implement district priorities Transportation Savings Less Substitutes and Higher Quality Contact Time All staff could be involved with implementation Improves the learning of all students Builds collective capacity of the staff
What does the future hold? *Will student number continue to increase? *Will current cash balances remain stable? *Compensation/Benefits/Negotiations? *What will happen in the Legislative Session? *What will happen at the Federal level? *Will the efforts of SD Moving Forward be successful (Sales Tax Initiative)?
The Work Continues I will continue to review ideas that come forward Put together a Budget Reduction Plan to discuss with School Board and Public Attrition/Resignations/Retirements Budget Modifications-Under spending If any items are removed from the plan others will need to be brought forward
Next Steps Finalize the Administrative Recommendation Presentation to Budget and Finance Committee Presentation to School Board Presentation to Staff and Public ◦Tuesday January 10, 2012-West Middle School ◦Monday January 23, 2012-South Middle School ◦Monday January 30, 2012-Dakota Middle School ◦Tuesday February 7, 2012-North Middle School ◦Monday February 27, 2012-Southwest Middle School
For You to Consider *What type of additional information can we supply you so you feel comfortable with our current efforts? *Based upon the presentation today do you feel we are honoring your previous work? *Will you help review the Final Administrative Recommendation and give feedback prior to Public Hearings? *Will you review our plan and give feedback as to the communication of the Final Plan? *If the Final Plan meets with your approval will you help support it in the community?